
Away From "Home"

Today I am guest posting over at Hollie Takes Notes!
I am more than excited, because I've looked up to Hollie's blog
since I started blogging back in December :)

My post talks about...

My Real Life vs. My Pinterest Life

Go check it out!
And say hi to Hollie, too :)
You won't be sorry!
And if you're visiting from Hollie's blog...welcome!
I hope you stick around for awhile.
 Happy March!
You know what that means...15 brand new sponsors.
Their buttons are up on my sidebar.
Go show them some love and tell them that I sent you!
And thank you to everyone who swapped with me in February :)

I updated my about me!
I'm trying to figure out what makes a "good" about me page.


  1. Yay, I love Hollie's blog too! I'm heading over there now to check you out :-)


  2. Aw, I just loved that blog post at Hollie's!! *Inspired!*

  3. I also love Hollie, and her blog =) and hmm let me know what you find out regarding a good About Me page. I think the final product would be different for each person

  4. YOU, my dear, are real REAL fun. AND SO TINY! i could put you in my pocket. do you ever read someone's blog and then think you could probably be friends with them? yeah, i don't either. that would be creepy. :) i'll settle to just become a follower. have a fabulous thursday.

    -karli @ www.farmerbell.blogspot.com

  5. Your bedroom is SO cute! Are those stickers on the wall behind your bed? That mirror in the corner is to die for!!
    Have a great Thursday :)

  6. Love your guest post!! Too cute. Love your 'about me' section! It's adorable!!

  7. For the record, your room is super cute! I wish mine was that cute. When I move, which will be soon, I plan on making my room much cuter and hopefully getting some new furniture. I wish I had my Pinterest life as well....


  8. I read your guest post! Loved it! Then I spent some more time than necessary probably, browsing through Pinterest to add to my imaginary life. Sigh. Anyways...yay for a fun post! :)

  9. love your new picture in about me! haha looks so cute! xo thanks so much for being a feature in tuesdays post on L&L! mwwa!

  10. Up until recently, I had no idea what makes a good About Me Page either...then one night I just, wrote one that I felt was WAY too much info, but,I have gotten compliments on mine ever since. Whatever works I guess! (http://thisworkmanlife.blogspot.com).

    Heading over to Hollie's blog now - I started following her recently too and love both your blogs!

  11. I just read your guest post...what a great idea! I love my life too, but it is definitely fun to dream...and pin (then repeat.)

  12. ugh, I hate writing about me's! I feel pressured to be witty and try to sum myself up, and that's like, hard. i went with a story leading up to why is started the blog and then made a list of my weird quirks. they'll just pop up in my head some days, like, "omg i can't ever open a fugging envelope without shreading it like a rabid beast!" *lightbulb!* i should add that to my about me! ahaha ...that's just me though. i'm a nerd :P


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SO THANK YOU for being wonderful!

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