
Hair Adventures

If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you know that I am currently in the process of growing my hair out. Holy patience tester...forreal.

I've been growing it out for close to a year now.
You'd think it would be longer than it is, but I started with SHORT hair.
I rocked a super short a-line cut for about 4.5 years.
I would go in and have my hair "shaped up" every 4 weeks. And I was addicted to coloring it, too.
I guess I could pull off the short hair, because I used to get a ton of compliments on it. Maybe because it stood out among other haircuts...who really knows?

Told you it was short. It was even buzzed in the back...crazy, because if anyone came near me with a buzzer now, I'd probably punch them in the face. And then run. Far, far away.

It's about shoulder length now, give or take a few of my short layers.
This picture was taken on Tuesday so it's pretty current.
It's a bit shorter in the back than it is in the front.

Here was the first time I could have a ponytail in FOUR years (this was taken about 40 weeks ago...according Instagram):

And here was the first time that I could do a beach wave type deal:

My goal is to have it about this length:

The reason I'm rambling about my hair right now is because I have a hair appointment next Friday morning. My first hair appointment in OVER A YEAR. I am so excited, because my color needs attention. But I am also so terrified, because I know I need to get some dead ends trimmed off. I'm going to a new stylist (one who I've never been to before) and I'm going to make it very clear to her that if she cuts off more than .5 inch I will cry.

A friend of mine is in hair school right now and she looked at my hair Tuesday night to see how bad my split/dead ends were. She said that surprisingly they weren't bad at all, so I shouldn't have to have too much taken off...praise the Lord for that!

So the plan for next Friday at 11:45 A.M. is as follows:

- Get a minimal trim
- Get my hair colored
- Do not lose it & freak out on the new stylist

Here is the color that I am going to get:

It's like a dark brown with a reddish tint.
What do you think?!


  1. I love the color, it'll be gorgeous on you!!!! && you can totally pull off the spunky, short hair! :) but I'm excited to see it longer :) && how did you do the beach waves like that?

  2. That color is great! Growing it out will totally be worth it!

  3. The color is awesome! Are you using a hair mask once a week? It keeps your hair in good condition and she won't have to ever cut as much off!


  4. LOVE the color! It's gorgeous! Like Carly said, use a hair mask to help moisturize your ends. I REALLLLY love L'Oreal Natures Therapy Mega Strength Fortifying Treatment - which you can find at Sally Beauty Supply. It makes your hair incredibly soft and the smell is amazing too! I can't get enough of it!
    Also, Ulta carries It's a 10 (miracle leave in product) - this stuff is the bomb.com. I spray it on my hair after I get out of the shower. It does wonders for your hair and also has a really great smell. I can't get over how soft it makes it!

    Anyway, good luck at the salon and I hope you love your color! :)

  5. Girl, you & me both have been on this journey of hair growth and I looked at SO MANY PICS tonight of when it was long (longer than your desired length) and every cuss word comes to surface cause I don't understand WHY I cut the hair I grew for 3 years!

    After recently going darker, I am dying to go even darker and the color you're going with is exactly what I've been contemplating!

    I look forward to seeing your final result! I'm sending long healthy hair vibes, your way!


  6. Good color choice!

    My hair is super long, and I always get nervous going to get it trimmed even though I have a few inches to spare. I haven't been since January because of 1) fear & 2) I keep finding more important things to spend my money on! haha.

    Love the white dress...I totally bought that today. And may already have two of the other colors. I have a problem.

  7. GIRL! Your hair is absolutely gorgeous...and I love it in your "beachy" style, too! So pretty! That color is fantastic, too...can't wait to see how it turns out!

  8. i love it, girl! you have done such a great job growing it out - love the new color, you gotta show us pics next friday! :)

    hope you're week is fabulous, sweetie! xoxo

  9. Love the color!

    And like you said, make VERY SURE that the stylist knows you only want the tiniest teensiest trim she can do especially since you've never been to her before. Apparently I wasn't stern enough when I went to a new stylist once and he decided to give me a whole new look instead of a trim, I was not happy! Lol

  10. Oooo I love the color you picked out! That is gonna look gorgeous on you!
    Ya, I had the bright idea my freshmen year of college to get straight across bangs and hack off about 3-4 inches a la Zooey Deschenel in 500 Days of Summer. Horrible horrible idea. Now I have a hissy cow fit if anyone cuts my layers too short. :)

  11. I like the color :) I also had that same haircut and I know what you are going through! There have been times though that I see a cute short hair cute and I have to fight every urge to not cut it! Maybe that is why I have never had long hair. But I am determined this time! :) Have you tried taking Biotin? That helps hair growth and nail growth. I believe it also has some advantages to your skin too. Check it out...maybe it will help speed things up! Have a good day
    -Kristen @ fewofmyfavoritethingsblog

  12. I'm fighting the same battle! After I got married last October, I chopped mine off to about as short as yours was. Almost a year later, mine is about the same length as yours and it is driving me nuts... it is SOOOO slow! The trim will do you good, don't freak out :-)

  13. love that color! i've been trying to grow mine out since february, and i'm a horribly impatient person so it's not going quite as well as i would life. i started with it about to my chin and no where near long enough for a pony tail (i'm a pony tail girl so that killed me.) now it's just past my shoulders. i've been trying to be consistent with taking biotin, it's supposed to help you hair and nails grow faster and stronger. it seems to help a bit but still not as much as i would like.

  14. Love the color! That will look so pretty! I've been trying to grow mine out for a while too, and I feel like I'm stuck now - it doesn't seem like it's growing at all - it's driving me crazy! Can't wait to see how yours turns out!

  15. I'm in the process of growing mine out too.... Mine is about to my boobs now which is the only way I can think to explain it!

  16. love the color! i feel like my hair grows at a snail's pace, so i can relate. it is finally long (the longest i've ever had it!) i credit all of this to growing it out for my wedding (with a little help from prenatals! great for hair/skin/nails :) ha!)

  17. That color is going to be so pretty on you!

  18. I made the mistake of getting my hair cut short in 10th grade (so like, 7 years ago). And I mean like pop-punk-boy-band-is-he-a-girl-or-a-girly-guy kind of short. And bright red.

    It was terrible. So I've been growing it out ever since. Two years ago I got it cut shoulder length because it was just a hot mess.

    But now I'm legit growing it out. I know you're suppose to cut the dead ends every 6-8 weeks... whatever. Since I'm trying to lose 60 pounds, I've refused to cut/trim it until I'm at my goal weight. Which might be a year. I'll trim my bangs, but I really don't want to cut my hair.

    It might get gross so I might have to... but we'll see!
    As for color, I've been a red head (see above), black, brunette and blonde. My skin looks too orangy with blonde, and I look washed out with black. I like mine deep brown with reddish tint :)


  19. Love the color! I just had a hair adventure of my own and cut bangs! Good luck. I know you will be beautiful xox

  20. Aw, that color would look so perfect on you! I love how rich it is for fall!

  21. You can do it jess!! My hair was chin length November 2010 and now it's almost boob length! it's frustrating to wait but it's all worth it in the end! the color is fabulous! that's the color i'm going for in a few weeks but a little lighter brown! you could rock any hair color or style!!

  22. I love your goal length but I have to say it's super cute now, and was then! You can rock any length and that's a great thing!

    I love the color you chose! Good luck with the appointment. Just stay aware the whole time and ask her to show you how much she is going to cut off before the first snip :)

  23. I do remember when your hair was super super short like that ! It really did look so cute on you, but I completely understand wanting to let it all grow out, there are a lot more styling options when you have longer hair, I think that length/cut that you are striving for will look amazing once you get there!

    Can't wait to see your darker do!

  24. I love it! I like long(er) hair on you! I had no idea you rocked the short bob for 4.5 years!

  25. i love your beachy wave! and can't wait to see your new color!

  26. Beautiful color! And seriously you rocked the short hair, it looks fab on you! I donated my hair roughly 4 years ago now and as happy as I was that it was going to someone who needed it, I was mortified for a year. I've come to the realization long hair is for me! My hair is actually desperately in need of a cut too, it's almost touching below my back!! Can't wait to see what your hair looks like!


  27. Love it! Can't wait to see it :) I haven't gotten a haircut in almost a year. I got it cut too short last year so I've been letting it grow out. I also need to find a place that doesn't cost a million dollars too!

    <3 Jamie

  28. I absolutely la la love the color you chose!! I think it's perfect especially with summer ending (wahhh) going into fall!! Can't wait to see it!

    You look adorbs with short hair, but I also super like it long.... anyway any where you rock your own style!!

  29. Have you tried Mane 'n Tail shampoo and conditioner? I have heard a lot of people rave about it and am thinking about trying it. My hair seems to always stop growing at a certain point. Post pics of your trim and color so we can all see! :)

  30. A. I feel like a terrible BFF for Wong a little behind in the blogging world. August just sucks for teachers.
    B. I'm soooooo proud of you for holding out from buzzing all your hair off...
    C. I love you. That is all.

  31. As soon as I read your post, I thought of suggesting Biotin, but a few other readers have beaten me to it! But just for confirmation, Biotin works wonders for me. I have problem skin, thin nails, and slow growing hair, and Biotin helps all three. It will definitely speed up the process of growing your hair. There are also Hair, Skin, and Nails vitamins that contain other nutrients to help as well, and they have worked wonders for me in the past.

  32. I used to have "boob hair" as they call it, and then cut it off so it was just past my shoulders. Six months ago it was the shorter length, and two months ago I started taking Biotin for my nails, and my hair is already almost back to it's previous length.

    That biotin stuff is craaazy (in a good way). It'll definitely help your hair grow!

  33. Aww I'm sure she will listen to you and it will be perfect! But I'm sorta shocked on how long it takes for it to grow! Lol I couldn't put my hair up from my last cut until last week. I got it cut 3 months ago! Maybe it's something in our food that we eat that grows hair quicker?? Can't wait to see how it turns out!
    P.s. you did totally rock the short bob!

  34. I blogged about hair today too! About losing it post pregnancy, wah!
    p.s. I like the beach wave!

    Try prenatal vitamins it may help it grow quicker (and their perfectly fine to take when you're not prego) lol


  35. I think you will look great with longer hair - BUT you looked amazing with that bob. Seriously. I am a sucker for short cuts - I'd love to grow mine - but it always looks terrible. Good luck. And grow on hair.

  36. I LOVE your hair at the current length. It's looking so pretty! Love your blog, following you now!




  37. That color is going to look sooo good on you. I think you can totally pull off short hair, but I like the softer look on you!

  38. Oh my goodness! Your hair WAS super short just like mine!!

    I am glad to say a few months in to this growing out kick, I am not yet attacking it with scissors on my own. I would be so happy to just get mine to your current length!

    xo T


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