
Girl Behind the Vlog Take 2!

As you may or may not know, I am not a huge fan of recording vlogs. But I love Lindsay a whole freaking lot and today she's co-hosting the Girl Behind the Blog vlog link up...so today you're getting a vlog! Next week I'll start the Move of the Week series.

Please excuse my awkwardness and flat hair. Yesterday was HUMID so that did nothing for my hair ;) I probably should have recorded this in the morning before I stepped out into the heat. Oh and it's really bright, because I keep my windows open during the day. I'm a cheap-o and like to keep my electric bill as low as possible, haha!


I can't wait to check out all of the other vlogs! So link up, lovelies :)




  1. love it! uploading mine right now. can't wait to see everyone else's.

  2. You are so darn cute! And comfortable in front of the camera!
    Relevant Church does a huuuuge tutoring program over at Booker T. Washington Elementary School...so you could look in to that if you are interested!

    Cute vlog friend!

  3. Cute vlog! That's so great that you want to get into volunteer work :)

  4. Yep Your a pretty good example of that "life doesnt suck"


    YAY for helping kiddos out! You are going to be so good at it!! Maybe you can even make crafts with them!
    EEk exciting!


  5. what a good goal! I wish you lived my me and good help out at my school!

  6. Love your vlog! You are so cute, gosh. And what an awesome goal! Helping out with kids is SO rewarding. They need people like you in their lives :)

  7. You are adorable - I LOVED watching your vlog :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  8. Looks like you have opposite lighting than I did.. mine was dark and SUPER SUCKED! WOMP!

    You already know this, but you are adorbs girlie! Your hair did not need any excusing b/c I thought it looked great! And I LOVE the background... looks very familiar since I've seen it on another post you did awhile ago on your decor skills!

    I love how you wanna become more involved in volunteering... but then again I'm not surprised... it's just the person you are! SO YOU GO GOOOORL... research the schools and start there! But don't take on too much especially with all the change that you're going through now and your fitness game!

    xoxo, Bev

  9. Awe I love Lindsay too... glad she convinced you to link up again! Itd be so great to be involved in big brothers big sisters or something like that. Good for you, girl :-)

  10. Seriously I love ya! Working with kids is so so so rewarding. I miss teaching every day! They taught me more than I taught them I think. Go Jess Go! :)

  11. Great goal!! I used to volunteer once a week to teach kids in "high risk" schools life skills. I taught 3rd graders but there were opportunities for all grades. It was just a part of their regular school day once a week. I absolutely loved it!! I can't think of the name of the organization right now, but if you are interested I can find out.


    I know you hate recording vlogs, so THANK YOU so much for linking up today. I know you did it to support me, and you are an awesome little sister for that. I love you, J!

    Of course, you HAD to know that I would absolutely LOVE the goal you mentioned in your vlog. Of course! You're a girl after my own heart! I think you would be an awesome Big Sister, after-school program leader, or mentor! You have so much to give, and I respect that you're willing to give it freely.

    You are awesome, Jessica, and I find that I just love you more and more, if that's even possible.

  13. This was awesome Jessica. Good for you for doing something even though it makes you nervous. I have some great ideas for vlogs but I am too nervous to actually film them. I have the fear of everyone thinking my voice is annoying, haha. You have inspired me though I am going to start working on one soon. Great Video and what a great thing to do for children. Have a great Wednesday.

    My Simple Life

    p.s. I am hosting an awesome giveaway right now I hope you go check it out. http://enjoying-the-simple-life.blogspot.com/2012/07/giveawayits-10.html

  14. You are SO cute! :) And I just love you even more now! Good idea to get involved - I love kids, too, and miss working with them.
    Hope you have a great day, sweet girl! And btw, totally laughed out loud when you said, "to show them this world doesn't totally suck" ha - so true though! I'm sure you will show them that by being your beautiful self! :)

  15. What a fabulous, FABULOUS goal!! So admirable! Excited to find you through TGBTB.
    Nikki at Bedazzles After Dark

  16. I'm so glad you vlogged! You seem so comfortable talking :-) I know you'll be able to reach that goal! Have a great day Jess

  17. Love it!! I can't wait to see what you end up doing for your volunteer work :)

    <3 Jamie

  18. Love this vlog! It's so great to hear you since Meg and Lindsay have mentioned you so many times! (and I love it!) What a great goal to accomplish and I really hope that you can get involved. Working with kids is awesome and you seem like you'd be great at it!

  19. Just as cute as I thought you would be ;) I could totally see you as a cutesy little teacher, but maybe you could do a children's fun fitness class or program! Maybe families or mom's and children? I could see you doing some amazing work!

  20. As soon as I heard you say you wanted to do a volunteer thing involving kids I thought of Big Brothers Big Sisters! I did it when I was in High school and absolutely LOVED it! Getting involved as an adult would be even better I think! :( Great goal girlie! :)

    Maybe I'll join you!

  21. So cute! What a great idea to volunteer and make that a priority. I really want to start getting into the community as well and giving back. One of the biggest ones (and hardest to get into) is volunteering at our Childrens Hospital and rocking all the babies that are so tiny and need that touch. It would be such a soothing way to get away from things and realize what's really important.


  22. I loved this vlog! You are not awkward at all, so hush! Haha :)

    I just recently launched my blog!! I'm so excited and I will definitely be linking up for The Girl Behind the Blog in the future!!

  23. That's a great goal! There are so many places where you can volunteer and serve, especially with kids. And having a good role model, even for kids with supportive parents, can make such a huge difference in their lives!

  24. I love your goal! Good luck :)
    I'm in nursing school and going into my peds rotation and I am so excited!

    Anyway, new follower! Nice to meet you!! :)


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