
Does Blogging Make You Crazy Sometimes?

If you answered "yes" to that question then maybe, just maybe
this post can be of some use to you :)

I just started keeping a blog planner.
I have a regular planner that I use for work, school & social activities.
I tried to use it for my blog planning as well...but that didn't work out so well.
The pages started becoming cluttered and ideas were scattered everywhere.
My planner was stressing me out...! (that's a true Type-A personality for you)

And then it hit me.
Why don't I have a separate planner/notebook just for blogging?

I was going to buy a planner, but then I realized that my planner needs 
change weekly when it comes to blogging.

I thought about it for awhile & this is what I came up with.
I've been using it for 3 weeks now and it has worked wonders for me.
Blogging is more fun, because I have everything planned out, and I don't
forget things that I need to do...whether it's answering an email, creating a link up,
or writing a guest post. Everything is laid out nice & neat...just the way I like it :)

I use a simple spiral bound notebook. I like that it's spiral bound so I can easily flip the pages behind each other. It also has a little pocket in the front to hold other random papers.
This one is from Martha Stewart's line of office supplies. So cute.

I use Post-It tabs to separate the notebook into sections.

This Week: Pictured below

To Sponsor:  A list of blogs that I want to sponsor and the months that I plan on sponsoring them

Post Ideas: this section is divided into 4 subsections, one for Smell the Roses task ideas,
one for random post ideas, one for Oh How Pinteresting theme ideas & one for Product Spotlight ideas

And here is a look inside. I like that I draw in the days every week, because I can
change it up whenever I want to...which means I won't get bored looking at it ever!

On the left page I have the dates written out, a place where I can write/draw/glue anything
that is inspiring me that week, a to-do list section, an other section, a section to record my stats (GFC followers, FB fans, Twitter followers, etc.), an area to write down the blogger that
I want to encourage that week, and a section to show my nail color of the week (it holds
me accountable to change my nail color weekly).

On the right page is a box for each day (except Sunday). The sizes vary, because
the info that I need to write down for particular posts is different.

Here's one thing that is in my "Inspiration" section this week :)
And that is what my "I'm Wearing" section looks like.

How do you stay organized when it comes to blogging?
Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed?
I got my inspiration for this planner here.

So, I've figured out how to organize my posts/to-do list...
now to conquer how to avoid spending 3 hours a day answering emails ;)

All of my large ad spots for May are filled, but I still have a few
small spots left...only $8! If you're interested check out my 



  1. This is a fantastic idea. I could totally use something like this. I wonder if there are pre-made ones online?

  2. Seriously what a great idea! Loving this!

  3. thats so smart! i always try to stay organized with my everyday life (school and work) but always forget to bring it with me or use it! ill have to give it a try with blogging

  4. Thanks so much for posting this! I love the idea, and I am going to give it a shot. I am so new to blogging, and I am very type-A Personality just like you!

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Okay, this is the best idea ever - you are the smartest!

    I laughed at where you mentioned your planner was starting to stress you out ha! That's totally been happening to me lately... which is why this is such an AMAZING idea!

    I've been using a sketch book and drawing out days like you showed, which has been helpful, but it's mainly been for ideas and post plans - i'm now inspired to embellish with more detail like you did :)

    Thanks for the inspiration, girl!!

  6. thanks so much for stopping by jessica! your comment made my heart sing. I'll definitely be trying this out! I really need to get my blogging planned out.


  7. thanks for sharing, i fell off the blogging world for a little bit and getting back in has been hard I'm jumping back in, writing more stories, personal and whatnoot, advertising and linking up. i love my erin condren just for everything!

  8. Imppppppppppressive, Ms Type A.

    I just schedule posts in blogger and put my to-do's or ideas in the body of the post (before it's written obviously.)

    Works okay...not the best system...but pretty easy.

  9. To do tomorrow: make one of these to fit inside my red filofax!


  10. Ah that's so cool I'm going to start one as I always have trouble coming up with ideas for posts

  11. ahhh... that's so beautiful! i'm jealous. of the notebook. of your handwriting. of your organizational skillz. yes, with a z.

    i have a binder that i keep a weekly organizer for myself, which includes a spot for blog posts. i try to look at each week ahead on fridays - i plan my groceries, my meals, my posts, etc. ok, well, i usually get to plan like 2 posts and then i run out of ideas...

    i'm that lame.


  12. You are TOO cute (and VERY organized)! I love this idea Jess - I definitely feel like I'm all over the place when I blog...maybe I'll have to give this whole planner thing a whirl :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  13. I love this! I should do something like this but, I don't usually plan my posts until right before I write them :) Your blog is growing so fast! Way to go!!

  14. It always makes me laugh when I see someone doing the same type things I do and I think I am the only one...lol I thought maybe I was a little weird that I take my blogging so seriously that I plan it out like you do on paper...who knew there are many others who do the same thing! whewwwww Anyway - I love yours.

  15. This is so amazing! Sometimes, an idea strikes me when I'm outside and when it's time to blog, there's nothing to write about! It's frustrating, I think this will really be helpful, thank you so much!!!


  16. okkkkkk realllllyyy.
    you are WAY too smart.
    This is just such a good idea!

    I really think I am going to do this. Really really really

    Just another great idea from my genius blog bff.


  17. Whoa! I LOVE this! I am obsessed with planners, as well...what a great way to make planning the blog fit your needs. Definitely want to start this ASAP!

    -Alexis @ ChristianWifeStyle.com

  18. Awesome idea Jessica!!
    Such a type - A thing!! I love it!!
    Have a fantastic day girl!!

  19. Love love love this! You always have the best ideas! I usually keep my blog stuff in my regular planner but this is much more organized and inspirational!

  20. Wow yo go girl!! Are you gonna take on Erin condren!? Hehe

    I love your inspiration section. You can use so many things for that...even bible verses! And I can't believe you change your nail color weekly! That takes discipline that I don't have haha


  21. It makes me smile to see #callinglinz every time I comment! :-)

    I love this! I started out doing the same with a basic Mead notebook. Once we found out we were moving, that kind of fell by the wayside, but I'm gearing up to get organized again. This post is very helpful, my love!

  22. So organized. I love it!

    Really great tips, thanks :)

  23. Your are SUPER DUPER adorbs girlie!! Love the fact that you didn't have to invest in an organize to organize yourself! Us students appreciate a discount when we can get one, right?!

    I love the face that you keep things written down... I myself am a fan of LISTS!! I plan on getting down like you're inspiring us all to do... just gotta get over a few hills with dissertating :/

    Happy Thursday!

  24. Oh my goodness! I totally needed this!!! I have been living off of post it notes for too long!!! Time to get me a notebook for my blog!!
    Thanks chica! You are a genius!!

  25. That is such a good idea. I will be using the tip. I am a new blogger and have a bit of difficulty at times. Thanks!

  26. I want one of these!! We should get together and you can help me make mine! :)

  27. I love this idea! I had a binder all planned out to help get me started, but I found it kind of boring. I like your idea of switching it up and making it your own!

  28. This is a fantastic idea! Maybe some bloggers can get together and make a few templates you can feature on your blog?

    Penniless Socialite

  29. this is such a good idea! I LOVE it!!

  30. This is such a great idea...I should really do this!


  31. This is such a great idea! I was just thinking how crazy blogging can be. I'm going to have to try this. So glad I found your blog :) New Reader!

  32. This is such a great idea! I was just thinking how crazy blogging can be. I'm going to have to try this. So glad I found your blog :) New Reader!

  33. Hey Jess! So happy to be featuring you today over on our blog. :)

    I'm an OCD organized neat freak. The method to our blogging madness is contained in a hardback notebook that we found at Target. Without it, I feel lost. We keep a monthly calendar spread out across a two-page spread. On that calendar, we write in our posts as they're scheduled to pub. "Tentative" posts are noted with a post-it note until it's a sure thing. We list out the videos that we want to film for each month and keep any notes for upcoming events, giveaways, etc. We also track our GFC followers, YouTube subscribers & Twitter followers on a weekly basis in here. In an age where everything is digital, our notebook is our way of keeping it old school. :)

    Mendi & Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  34. Gosh. Why haven't I done this already? lol. I think I'm going to make a template and print it out. :))

  35. Love this idea! I think I'm going to stick with a dry erase board for now, but I'll keep this in mind for the future :)

  36. Great idea!! Thank you for this.


  37. This is such an amazing idea! I've needed to get organized with my blogging for a while. I may need to try this out.


  38. I put EVERYTHING in one planner, but this is an adorable idea! :)

  39. Brillance! :) Easy to read/use and super cute! Great job!

  40. I LOVE your DIY planner!! I really need to make a blogging planner because honestly, my thoughts and posts are just allll over the place!

  41. Ohh em gee...Words cannot express how much I love this! I've been thinking of getting a planner to plan out my blog weeks to help hold me accountable...I must have a bit of an A-type personality in myself as well :)

  42. Care to share how you avoided 3 hours? Haha, or did we already talk about this?
    Either way, you need to shine your light on me!!!

  43. Ok, freaking awesome idea!! I usually just keep a blog to-do list on my phone, but a lot of times that isn't enough. Will totes have to put this together once school is out :)

  44. I have just recently gotten to the point where I can get overwhelmed with my blogging organization! Keeping up with who I'm guest posting for and when- is my biggest issue, followed by keeping up with comments, and then visiting their blogs. At over 500, how do you do it? Do you reply to every comment, follow/comment on each person, and or do you mainly respond to the ones that need responses?

  45. This is such a great idea! I'm about to start my first blog ever, I'm going to keep this in mind : )

  46. Interesting ideas, I have been blogging since 2004. I started out on livejournal. I have a little journal that I use for my ideas, post, and what not. I am not a type a personality. So when I saw how it was all broke down I was amazed.


  47. What a great idea! Thanks so much for sharing! I've started following you on bloglovin so I can easily come across any other fantastic ideas you may share. I'm definitely going to use this. My problem is I schedule most of my posts as I don't have easy internet access at my house, so I have 1 or 2 days of intensive blogging a week and then don't do a lot in between, hopefully this will keep me active!!! Thanks so much.

  48. This is such an amazing idea! I just started blogging less than a month ago and can already see how crazy and busy it can get! I love everything involved with organization and will definitely be making one of these as I get more and more involved in the blog world! I love it already and am so excited to keep going. Your blog is wonderful!!

  49. Soooo need to do this! Yours is darling- love the inspiration box! xo

  50. Soooo need to do this! Yours is darling- love the inspiration box! xo

  51. I absolutely love your planner idea! It makes me want to get more organized.

  52. Jessica,

    I wanted to let you know that I was inspired by this post to create my own blog planner and I just posted about it today! Come check it out: http://hotcommodityhome.blogspot.com/2013/07/washi-tape-blog-planner.html

    Krissy @ Hot Commodity Home


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