

I am so glad to be able to say 

This week was a doozie. With midterms coming up & work picking up,
I am totally swamped! 2 months til graduation, people! TWO MONTHS.


Today I'm excited to be linking up with Lauren at From my Grey Desk
for High Five for Friday :)


So here are my 5 favorite things from this week:

Good old snail mail. You all know by now how much I love getting snail mail. Well I love
writing snail mail, too :) So this week I wrote 7 letters by hand, and let me tell you, I am
so excited to put them in the mail! 

This week I reconciled with a good friend that I had a dispute with a few months back.
I've been praying about this for awhile now and God brought us back together as friends.
So thankful for that :)

THIS EMAIL! You can't see it very well, but the line before the highlighted line...my graduation application was approved. Holla!

The announcement about the March 7th announcement (woah) of the iPad 3! I've been waiting oh so patiently for this :) Adam is buying me one for my birthday (which was in January, but obviously they weren't out yet).


I had the opportunity to guest post over at Hollie Takes Notes yesterday and that was super exciting, because she's a blogger that I look up to :) I did my post on "My Real Life vs. My Pinterest Life." You can read it here. AND I loved doing this post so much that I must just do a round 2 and post it on my own blog soon ;)


I'm also linking up with
Hollie today for Follow Friday!



  1. Snail mail is the best! Also,that post over at Hollie's was awesome! :D

  2. I've been a terrible blogger this week and havent had time to comment on anyones, posts! So today you get a very long comment because I love everything about your top 5's (: First of all yay for snail mail, and the stationary is so adorable! Second of all.... DOUBLE YAY for graduation being SO close. As for the iPad 3... you know I'm as excited as you are! Hope you have a fantastic Friday, Jessica!!

    Leigh Anne

  3. I love snail mail too :) I actually just did a post yesterday about pretty snail mail!
    xo Heather

  4. I love my iPad and can't wait for the new one to come out! Also, can I just say that I loved your post on Hollie's blog. Loved it. You read my mind :) I think it would be great if you did another one... there is enough on Pinterest to compare :)

    Have a great weekend

  5. Ah! This is the first I'm hearing about the new ipad coming soon! I almost bought one after Christmas but forced myself to wait until the new one. Can't wait!
    I love Hollie Takes Notes! I'll have to go check out your post!

  6. On my way to work this morning I was thinking about a penpal I used to have when I was a kid, and how much I hate only getting bills in the mail now! Happy Friday!

  7. Love this list - especially the snail mail! :)

    Happy Friday!

  8. you number 2 is wonderful! so happy you were able to reconcile with your friend :)

  9. Those are really pretty note cards! Congrats on #3! Woo hoo!
    Happy Friday!

  10. Oh I love the feeling of reconciling with a friend. I did that in jan. :-)

    iPad 3?! Well, I have not heard about that till now! I love my 2 so you won't be disappointed!!

    Oh, I'm gonna have a bloggy thrift sale soon! I'm seeing of any others want to participate. Look at my latest post for the details :-)
    So glad it's the weekend!!!!

  11. Congrats on your "soon-to-be" graduation! I love that you are writing snail mail. I used to have a few penpals when I was younger. It would be awesome to have some penpals these days! It would really take you back to the good ol' days :)

  12. I absolutely loved your guest post for Hollie. You're not the only one who dreams of a Pinterest life. Send Tampa some love for me. It's been snowing all week. Our state motto should be "March - where winter begins in Idaho". :-\

    Have a great weekend!


  13. All of these are really great things, J! I love snail mail, too, and I love stationary. Just little note card sets. I can't help myself! And stamps!

    I love #2. Been there -- recently!

    Happy Friday, love!

  14. love this! all of it is great :) definitely love number two...god is so good!

    happy friday! xo

  15. i <3 ur high five friday :) ny fave is no. 2!

  16. You go girl!!! I see you hustling and counting down til you walk the stage! You can do it b/c you've already been doing it!!

    Keep up the motivation especially with midterms coming up! YOU GOT THIS!!


  17. Happy Weekend! That is so exciting that you are getting an iPad3. A gift most definitely worth waiting for :)

  18. So happy for you and your friend! God does amazing things!

    Annnnd I need to send you a letter. Pen pals? Yessss!!!

    Also, super a lot brownie points for Adam for investing in an iPad for you. It will be such a help in grad school:). Oh and in response to your grad school fears. Don't worry!!! I'm just a weirdo and took way too many classes at once. You'll be fine!!!

    Happy Friday!!


  19. Love snail mail! :) Happy Friday. I love the #FF idea. I'm following you.


  20. I love stationery- those notecards are so cute! I'm here from Follow Friday, I just followed you! Have a great weekend :)

  21. You will love the iPad!! I have the original one and still just adore it!!

    Happy Friday!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  22. I cannot wait for the iPad 3 to come out. My hubby and I will be getting one too!!

  23. First, I must say your blog is absolutely adorable. Second, I love your outlook on life. You appreciate the things that most people take for granted, like getting your graduation application approved. I think that if everyone looked at life through your eyes, everyone would be just a little bit happier :)

  24. yay for the iPad 3! I have the original and still love using it. I'm sure the 3rd will be even better :)



  25. way to go to send out 7 letters! I love getting real mail! and thank god for an answered prayer about you and your friend! enjoy your weekend!

  26. First off, I miss you!! I feel like I've been MIA from blogging lol and secondly, yay for snail mail!! :) AND graduating and everything above ;) Hope you have a great wknd!! Talk soon <3

  27. Snail mail is the best.
    I write a letter to 1 person every week and am notorious for sending Thank You cards for even a random text that made my day. Just makes my heart smile....as do you! ;)

    Praying you have a great weekend!

  28. LOVE snail mail!! It's my favorite! I desperately need some pen pals :)

    Awesome for reconciling with a friend!! I went through that in college. We finally sat down in a coffee shop one night and worked through it all. The most amazing feeling!

    iPad 3. one word: drools.

    I loved your guest post yesterday...it was such a cute idea!!

  29. yayy for reconciling with friends, thats great news.

    and i loved your guest post. i somehow missed it, even though i do follow hollie, so i'm glad you mentioned it as well! your real life looks pretty good to me, but i love all of your pins, too.

  30. Such a nice post..Really enjoyed it...Maybe we could follow each other? :)

  31. youre such a doll, jessica!!! your post was absolutely perfect & thank you so much for the follow friday shout out!! :)


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