
Say HI!

To my new March sponsors that is :)
Here are 3 more than wonderful ladies that I am swapping with this month:

First is Melissa from Grin & Barrett

"Hi Lovely Readers! My name is Melissa and I write over at a little blog called Grin and Barrett. I have been blogging for four years, but in the past 4 months or so, I have really been expanding my blogging knowledge and my awesome blogging family. I love blogging because it gives me a creative outlet and it allows me to document life as a newlywed, a grad student, a full time career woman, and an aspiring writer. I have enjoyed meeting so many young women, and really getting to know them through their blogs. There is so much creativity to go around, and so much inspiration, it's hard not to get hooked. I write on the daily about life as a wife, a Jesus follower, a lover of all things pop culture, and the occasional recipe and craft. If you would like to sponsor my blog, or grab a button, please feel free to do so. Who doesn't look good in grey and yellow? Also, I would love to get to know you and read your blog, so leave me a comment or shoot me an email. We can be friends! Thanks to Jessica from Lovely Little Things for letting me swap with you and I hope to meet you all soon on my side!
Keep Calm and Read On,

Then there is Elizabeth from Fearless & Frugal

"{About Me} Hey everyone! My name is Elizabeth and I’m a 20-something senior college student. I’m new to blogging, so I’m still getting the hang of this…but I love writing, trying new things and saving money (who doesn’t, right?) I’m obsessed with organizing, drinking coffee and listening to country music. I have a newfound love for the outdoors, old movies, crafting and cooking. I’m a yoga enthusiast and have just recently started Pilates (which I love!).

{About My Blog} After the summer of 2011 I found myself with an overwhelming number of credits to take my final year of college so I had to quit my job of 2+ years. Although I had spent my entire summer working and taking classes, I still found time to shop, vacation and spend way too much money. At the end of the summer I was hit with a wake up call -- despite all the hours I had put in at work, my bank account was devastatingly low. I realized I couldn't spend like I had been any longer. Now I’m finding it more important than ever to save money. I thought that by starting my blog, I could share my tips and tricks I've developed and learned along the way to help others who were living on a budget, or just trying to save a buck or two here and there! I am by no means an expert (I'm studying history and then going on to grad school to be a teacher), but I have developed and adapted a lot of tricks that work for me. I also want to offer a few health, beauty, fitness and other tips as well! Come visit me at Fearless & Frugal and bear with me while I get started! :)"

And Heather from Living at 1...2...3

"Hi! I'm Heather. A twenty-something about to hit the big 3 OH NO! Gulp.. I grew up in Oklahoma and moved to Texas to attend school and never left. I have been here 12 years and love it. I taught for 7 years and this is my first year to be a stay at home wife and work part time. Greg and I have been married almost a year and are expecting a little boy in March. It has been a long road with lots of bed rest for him to be ready to meet us, but we are almost there. We live in a very tiny town just east of Dallas. Our lake view home is truly Home Sweet Home. We have two furbabies that we adore and keep us laughing. Such personalities.
I love God! I constantly strive to be a Proverbs 31 wife and an image of His love. I also love all things health and beauty related and I am constantly searching for the perfect products. I love crafting, turning trash to treasure, cooking, baking, and orgazining. My blog is a mix of these things and the everyday antics of my life. While life is a little quiet right now due to bed rest, 5 short weeks and it will be full of the craziness that surrounds me. So, I am just living at 123 as a wife, soon-to-be mom, and just me. Stop by and visit. Hop you stay awhile!"

So what are you waiting for?
Go say hello and tell them that I sent you :)

And a thank you to these beautiful ladies for swapping with me
for the month of March!

Have a lovely Saturday, people!


  1. Aww what lovely sponsors :) I'm off to visit their lovely blogs now :)
    xo Heather

  2. I will definitely be visiting their blogs, thank you for such a lovely presentation of bloggers! xo

  3. Thanks Jessica! I love finding new people to follow!

  4. I found your blog from Holly Takes Notes and I am definitely going to be following. Your blog design is so great and while browsing through your posts, I love your style! I would be interest in sponsor swapping in April. Not sure how it works, but if you are interest let me know!

  5. Thanks Jessica for spotlight! I have already met a few new bloggers! :)

    You rock!


  6. what beautiful women - i can't wait to take more time to check out their blogs xo

    i hope you're having a good weekend by love! xo

  7. You Rock! Thanks so much. Have a great week!



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