
Grab a Glass!

I am so glad that it is Tuesday.
Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to be alive on Mondays and all, but yesterday
I was dragging by 3 pm! No joke. I've decided that I have got to give myself a bed time, because staying up until 2-3 am and trying to wake up at 8 am is killing me. I'm thinking about having my "bed time" be midnight. Sounds reasonable, right...?

Anyway, I'm not gonna lie...I had a hard time thinking of a product for today's post.
I'm blaming it on my lack of sleep mentioned above ;)
 I finally decided to post about my go-to wine.

That's it...Barefoot Moscato.
Wanna know why it's my favorite?
Because it's $6.99 a bottle.
It's even received the title of "Most Awarded Wine Brand for Under $15"
That's what I call wine created for a college budget ;)

Honestly, I just started drinking wine not too long ago, so I'm definitely a newbie when it comes to knowing types/brands. I get absolutely overwhelmed when I walk down the wine aisle and see shelf after shelf of bottles. I know that I like sweet wine. So I always go for Moscatos & Rieslings. I wish I liked red wine since it's better for you, but I can't handle the dryness/bitterness...ugh!

So if you have any wine tips/have a favorite that won't cause my bank account to overdraft....do tell :) Because your girl loves to enjoy a nice glass of wine while taking a bubble bath & reading a good book. YES PLEASE.

A little quirk of mine - I put frozen grapes in my wine. It's a little less embarrassing than putting ice in it...right? I prefer not to drink warm drinks. I like my wine nice and chilled.
Plus eating the grapes after finishing the glass of wine is always a nice little treat ;)

I really love wine corks! The one that you see with the little foot is the one from the bottle of wine I showed at the beginning of this post - how cute it that? I don't know exactly what I'm planning on doing with all of these corks, but I'm sure Pinterest can help me out with that once my collection is a little bigger ;)

I've decided to go ahead and offer you guys an opportunity to get involved in my Product Spotlight posts :) So if you have an item of yours that you want me to review, please send me an email and we'll figure something out. It can be jewelry, art, paper goods...absolutely anything (okay...almost anything)! If you're interested in getting some exposure for an item of yours, let's make it happen! 

Oh and can I just say that I was absolutely floored when I saw that "400" over there on my Google Friend Connect widget?! I am SO appreciative for every single one of my readers and I try my hardest to respond to all of you if you contact me! SO thank YOU for reading my little blog :) You guys inspire me to no end and I look forward to each post that I write. I never knew how passionate I would become about blogging!

Keep being wonderful :)



  1. Just came across your blog...I'm the same way with wine, red is usually too bitter for me! I love getting wine at Trader Joe's and Costco because they tend to carry only great stuff and have such helpful descriptions to go along with them :)

  2. I will have to try that wine! I dont spend over $10 a bottle :)

    My fave red wine [that I buy in bulk at Costco] is Menage A Trois! Its $7.99 and awesome! I have gotten so many friends addicted to it!

  3. I'm so picky when it comes to wine. I only drink Moscato! But I think I'm ready to step outside my comfort zone... lol

    H @ then in october

  4. I like that you spotlight a variety of items!!
    Yummy wine :) I may have to check that one out!

  5. It is good and barefoot makes an excellent moscato champagne!

  6. Hahah I'm still underage so I suppose this post doesn't apply to me very much. I wake up at 6:30 every morning and if I'm not in bed by 10, I'm the grumpiest person you'll ever meet, especially on a Monday!

  7. Hey, that's my favorite wine, also. I like my wine like liquid candy. The sweeter the better. The only one I have found better than Barefoot Moscato is the Moscato from Olive Garden, it is sparkling Moscato. Go, try it.

  8. I LOVEEEE me some Moscato!!! It was my go to wine, for sureeeee until I dipped into the red's... then I never turned back. But I wouldn't ever deny a glass if I was offered ;)

    You MUST try the two-buck chuck, so they call it. It's wine you can get at Trader Joe's, and it's only 2.99 a bottle. By far... it's my FAVE... the flavor is superb and who can beat 2.99?! They've got different types of wine in this brand, so go check it out girllll!!!

  9. I don't really drink alcohol anymore, but when I used to Moscato was my favorite!

  10. You're joking me! I just bought the Barefoot Sauvignon Blanc! I haven't tried it yet, but now I'm more excited too : ) I'll keep you in mind if I see a Pinterest cork project. Aaaand I gave you an award! Check it out: http://passengerseatperspectives.blogspot.com/2012/02/things-im-thankful-for-today.html

  11. I am a gal who wished I liked wine. I've tried a couple at olive garden and a moscato there. I was able to drink about 1/4 of it but that's it. Lol it still tasted like cough syrup to me.
    So maybe God really doesn't want me to like it?

    Oooh I have just the product to send you for your baths. ;-)
    I'd love to share some of my posh products to you!!

  12. Girl I can gulp down moscato like nobody's business. lol

    follow each other?

  13. Bedtime huh? I wonder who you got that from :)


  14. I love that wine as well!! One of my favorites & price wise really!?! Why would you buy anything else ;) If you haven't tried Muscadine or Scuppernong Wine, it's absolutely amazing! There's a company called Dublin & it's pretty cheap like Barefoot. I believe it's about $7.99 or $8.99 a bottle, but it's really sweet and wet finish. Absolutely scrumptious. Definitely should check it out!!!

  15. Sounds like you enjoy the sweeter wines. You should check out Beringer red moscoto


    I gad two glasses of it last night, yum! :)

  16. I love wine, and collecting wine corks. I have more than I'm willing to admit :) I have no shame and put ice right in my glass, but I think I'll try frozen grapes next time I have company!

    I love White Merlot ...any brand, really. It's cheap and a blush wine. I also love Ruby Vixen, but that's by a local winery, although you can buy it online!

  17. I think you'd also like the Chateau Ste. Michelle Reisling. Inexpensive and delicious! It's a go-to of my sister's, and now, mine!

    Also, you can make a bulletin board out of those corks. A literal cork board! My mom made them growing up, and they're awesome! So easy to do!

  18. Barefoot Is good. So is yello tail, the price isn't too bad either. A sale bottle of sutter home when necessary. Hey wine is wine!

    Happy Tuesday!


  19. Your taste will expand. Trust me because I used to only drink sweet whites but I have since moved to dry reds.

    Here are two good whites (inexpensive too): Leelanau Winter White (Michigan Wine) and Loredona Viognier (California Wine - pronounced 'vee-own-yay').

    Also, check out my blog since I have been doing wine reviews while living in wine country.


  20. Your taste will expand. Trust me because I used to only drink sweet whites but I have since moved to dry reds.

    Here are two good whites (inexpensive too): Leelanau Winter White (Michigan Wine) and Loredona Viognier (California Wine - pronounced 'vee-own-yay').

    Also, check out my blog since I have been doing wine reviews while living in wine country.


  21. Not gonna lie, I stopped reading when you said you're bed time would be midnight. I've already been in bed for 3 hours by midnight! I felt so old!!

  22. I'm too young to drink ;) But my parents have the biggest stash of wine corks ever! If you find a cute DIY for the corks do share! I'm sick of seeing all the corks in my house sit in a big ugly basket!
    xo Heather

  23. I love that you have your corks in a mason jar...new idea for me!! I might pin it!!

  24. Giirrrrrrrl you KNOW I have to go buy a bottle of this now. I've actually been eyeing that brand but haven't tried it yet. Seriously, I know NOTHING about wine. All I know is that White Zinfindel is YUM. I think it's blush? And it's sweet.

    And that's all I know about wine. I never know how to order it at a restaurant. Or pick it out at the store. I usually decide by seeing what's on sale ;)

    1. Try Riunite Lambrusco. It's an affordable, sweet red wine that I think you might like :)

  25. My favorite wine hands down!! I also really like Oliver Soft Red Wine. It isn't that bad for a red wine and it is pretty sweet! You should try it...it's pretty cheap, too! I as well love any Arbor Mist wine...it taste like juice! Lol

    I always wondered what was in your wine when you posted pics...good to know! May have to do that :)

  26. Moscato and Rieslings are my favorite and I've been wanting to try this particular Moscato! I am glad you posted your review about Barefoot, I am definitely going to give it a try now. I was so close last weekend, I actually had it in my hand and put it down! Next time!!

  27. I like sweet white wines too. One i recently ran across is Candoni Moscato D'Italia Sweet white wine. It is wonderful!!!

  28. I LOVE BAREFOOT.... As far as the Olive Garden Sparkling Moscato someone mentioned earlier you can buy Yellow Tail Moscato that is lightly sparkling and it has def won me over. Its like $6 a bottle and its great.

    Follow me Please?

  29. I'm new to wine as well and I like drinking cold wine too! When I want to drink red wine I usually add either a fruity juice or sprite or cherry 7-up.


  30. I love sweet wine as well! I started drinking wine on my honeymoon when I discovered a Georgia winery called 'Shannon Vineyards.' They make sweet white and red wines. If you want to try red wines, look for a wine made with the muscadine grape which is red and sweet :)

  31. 1. Yellow Tail. Do it.

    2. LOVE me some Barefoot.

    3. I am saving all of my corks in a jar too! Hoping to someday make one of these: http://pinterest.com/pin/224194887669648055/

    Wine wine wine. Here it goes down, down into my belly. Love this post. =]


  32. I love Cupcake Moscato (it is a little bubbly and I love bubbles) and for only $6.99 you can't beat it! The only place I have been able to find Cupcake Moscato near me is Total Wine, so if you run across it give it a try.

  33. I just found your blog via Hollie Takes Notes. My all time favorite wine is Eschelon Pinot Noir. A waiter in a fancy restaurant recommended it to me and it's onlu $10 a bottle!

    Penniless Socialite

  34. I know this is an old post, but I just recently discovered your blog - so obviously I have to go through everything. ;) Have you tried Stella Rosa? I used to be big on just white wine, but have recently switched to red. It's red that you keep in the fridge, and it's fizzy kind of like grape soda. Very sweet! p.s. I do the same thing with my wine corks just because. :)


  35. heyyy! this post is super old but i thought i'd throw a comment out there anyway! i had the same problem with hating red wine. i love the sweet stuff, but sometimes having some pink moscato with steak seems wrong :) give Apothic Red a try. its a blend and its beyond delicious! literally the only red i've ever liked!


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