
Smell the Roses!

Did you have a super awesome weekend?!
I did :) But I can't believe that it's already Monday.

That being said, it's Smell the Roses time!
Not sure what Smell the Roses is? No worries you can read all about it
right here. And remember, your whole post doesn't have to be dedicated 
to the task to link up, it just needs to be mentioned.

Last week's task was pretty simple (aren't they always?)...
Try something new. I chose this, because sometimes I get caught up 
in my day to day schedule. I forget that each day is a new day and that I shouldn't just
go through the motions, but truly live in every moment. Be present in every moment. Be 
alive in every moment!

So to mix things up a little I did a few new things. What did you try that was new?!
I'm dying to know, so link up below and tell me! And grab a button while you're at it :)

I tried a new restaurant Saturday night with my best friend and her sister,
and I liked it so much that I took Adam there Sunday afternoon! It was a little all natural/organic bistro and the food was absolutely delish. It's called Sumatra Bistro Cafe & Bakery so if you live in the Tampa area - you have to try it :) Plus the service was so friendly. Such a relaxed atmosphere. 
1. A cup of mushroom & brie soup...SO good!
2. Half of an eggplant, tomato, mozzarella sandwich
3. Adam & I even split a dessert - a piece of lemon goodness.
Adam said it was like eating air. I'd have to agree. I'm such a sucker for dessert!
4. We ordered coffee and enjoyed it out on the patio.
Adam said it was the best coffee he's ever had...take that Starbucks!

Yep that's me...shooting a gun. Notice my lovely facial expression ;) It was so loud and a little more powerful than I expected. But surprisingly, it was a lot of fun. A group of us got together at Adam's dad's house and shot for a little while. Yay for big lakeside backyards!

The last new thing that I tried is still in progress. For an entire week (I started last Tuesday), I'm only listening to worship music. Just trying to cleanse myself and regain focus :) I've been having a hard time lately with the fact that I live semi-far away from my boyfriend, friends, & family and it's really been making me have a negative attitude. SO I'm trying to kick that before it gets the best of me! So far it seems to be paying off...I'm feeling happier and more focused! Thanks for the idea, Em :) P.S. I've learned how cheesy Christian radio is...yikes. Thank God for iTunes.

This week's task:
Think about a goal you've been wanting to meet. What's keeping you from going after that goal? Time to conquer it! 

There are so many things that I want to do. I say, "Oh I'll do that in a few years" or "I'll do that after this, this, and this." Why wait? Time to live out your dreams. Only you can get off your butt and achieve the dreams that you've muffled down in your heart. Don't wait until it's too late, only to be left sitting in regret and trying to play through what-if scenarios. So let's do this :) It can be a big goal or a small goal. Whatever you feel like conquering!

I'm also linking up with Heather over at Finding Beauty in the Ordinary
for her cup 1/2 full link up :)


Enjoy your Monday sweet friends!


  1. Moving to Tampa in May. I'll keep it in mind as I love adorable cafes!

  2. Way to go for trying new things! I think it's hard to try new restaurants - what if it's horrible and I leave hungry... always my fear!

    Love "smell the roses" I swear I'm going to link up one of these Mondays!

  3. "I've learned how cheesy Christian radio is..." Hahahah so true! For some reason my boyfriend just doesn't get it though, so it's what we usually listen to in his car. A good song, but a little older, I Need You More by Kim Walker. It's fantastic and will definitely definitely get you in the place you want to be. Or very modern, Elevation Church rocks! Good luck Jessica!

  4. I am a little scared by that second picture, lol!

  5. great "something news"! that meal sounds DELISH!

  6. I like this weeks task - it will put things in perspective. AND WOW you tried three new things? Impressive.

  7. Hey this is a really fun idea! I'm gonna have to try to accomplish a goal this week to participate. :)

    Thanks for the motivation!

  8. Oh I love finding places like that who has better coffe than Starbucks!! What what! Sbux is just getting so pricey these days.
    Oh I've done the secular music fast before. It can be tough but it's so needed at times!
    I'll be linking up later!

  9. It's gotten to where the only music I listen to is contemporary worship and country. (These kids and their rap music...bleck!) I am new to Smell The Roses and will be joining in next week!! :)

  10. When I saw Adam's picture of his "girl food" yesterday I knew you went to Sumatra! that place is too great!

    Your weekend sounds amazing. And I'm thinking about you lots, it's hard being so far away from everyone you love!

  11. Girl, I am so proud of you! Isn't shooting fun?! Matt took me last year for the first time and I was terrified/so excited. Lol I could barely contain myself. Matt and Adam would get along without a doubt. I know now. ;)

    And yay for only listening to Christian music. I agree, at times Christian radio stations can be a tad "cheesy", but sometimes I find myself tearing up when they talk about things. Lol I'm just happy PERIOD that you are doing this and that you're finding happiness throughout your week :)

    I love eggplant anything...that place looks seriously sooo good!!

    So glad you had such a great wknd and got to spend it with friends/Adam!! Love youuu!

  12. I'm impressed with all of the something news that you did. One of my something news was going to my road race ALONE. I have yet to run a race where a family member, boyfriend, or friend hasn't been there at the finish line for me. It was a big step, but I'm glad I did it.

  13. Oh man, that lemon dessert looks heavenly.

    My step dad has been teaching me to shoot lately. It's so much fun!

    Stopping by from Kaelah's blog, btw. :)

  14. Great JOB! So many fun new things :) I have only been listening to worship music this year too and I think I am going to try to keep it up until Easter... it is great! I do feel a tiny bit out of touch...o well!

  15. Oh, wow! I just started following your blog the other day, and I'm in the Tampa area, too! :) Getting ready to go off to USF Tampa in the Fall actually! I'll definitely have to try the restaurant!
    xo Heather

  16. love your intense face girlfrannn!!! You go with your new tasks this week!!

    Happy Monday, and thanks for the opportunity to link up!

    Look at you! Really i'm so impressed.

    I am also impressed that you tried a new resturant… i am such a baby when it comes to trying new resturants… such a creature of habit!!


    Look at you! Really i'm so impressed.

    I am also impressed that you tried a new resturant… i am such a baby when it comes to trying new resturants… such a creature of habit!!


  19. I love this idea, I definitely need to try new things. Shooting a gun is definitely a new one!

  20. I like your idea of listening to only worship music for one week... I may just try that starting, oh, tomorrow :)

  21. I have always wanted to shoot a gun. Thre are always adventure deals on living social that involve shooting and drinking which seems like a bad idea...I guess it depends on the order in which you do it.

    I always get scared to try new restaraunts...I like what I like, but good for you.

    Looking forward to this weeks task.

  22. Love it! I have been wanting to go shooting sometime too! Looks like fun!
    Happy Monday!

    PS what are some of you favorite worship bands?

  23. Don't know if you're into it...I wasn't but, I got into it because I too needed more God in my life! Look into the likes of Reach Records, Lamp Mode, and Clearsight Music. It's rap - but it is crafted very well and the lyrics are theologically sound! You won't be disappointed. I can at least speak for Reach Records in that they have some free mixtapes available too!


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