
Week Without Words!

one. Me & bff after watching The Vow.
two. I don't need TV. My cat entertains me enough!
three. Getting my run on. Love that I'm getting back to outside runs.
four. Adam batting at his softball game.

five. Cupcake tower from a wedding I went to last weekend.
six. My most dreaded time of the week - laundry day!
seven. Playing scrabble Cheez-Its with my brother at work. It's our names...we're 5.
eight. Gluten free chocolate goodness. And that's apple pie lurking in the back.

nine. Adam looking SO happy at lunch ;)
ten. Movie in Ybor.
eleven. Drink of choice...mojito!
twelve. Our mexican fiesta at Tia's.

thirteen. Curt & Hayden playing corn hold at Curt's going away party.
fourteen. Oh no she didn't...
fifteen. Started Jillian Michaels "Ripped in 30" - Lord help me.
sixteen. Me after day 1 of the work out. See all of the sweat - ah!


I hope you all enjoyed your weekend :)
See you here tomorrow for Smell the Roses!


  1. FUN pics, girl! Looks like a great week! Enjoy your Sunday :)

  2. I love the pictures of your cat in the fridge and making trouble with the TP. Cute!

  3. Looks like you had a great week!!

  4. I've heard the Jillian really gets you in shape! I've been meaning to try it...but I live on the third floor :(

  5. Looks like a fab week!! How is ripped in 30? I do the 30 day shred a couple of times a week..it pretty much kicks my butt.

    Love the pics of your kitty being a little trouble maker. haha. Too funny!

    What did you think of the Vow?
    Happy Sunday love!

  6. Ok, in the first pic gives me a good idea of how little you are! Either that or your bff is really tall. I'm going to go with the first choice ;) And I spy with my little eye UK cornhole! :) Great pics girl! Good job kicking butt while working out! Love you!

  7. Haha, I literally just got off the phone with my friend, and she asked me to do the Ripped in 30 dvd with her starting tomorrow.

    Aren't kitties hilarious?! Love them :)

  8. Seeing all the pictures of your cat makes me miss mine so much! And it makes me want to get a new one! Unfortunately my roomies don't want to have to deal with a litter box. Boo! Boots is adorable though! :) Hope you had a great weekend! :)

  9. Your week looked so fun and fantastic (don't mind the alliteration;)} You're cat is adorable! And trust me, Jillian kicks your butt! She's awesome though

  10. Your cat is adorable and looks troublesome :) Super cute though! Running outside is SO much better than having to run inside!

  11. I am laughing so hard over your kitty and the TP. Axel never did that, but our dog was famous for that or tearing up paper towels and TP rolls. Sometimes I think I need to charge admission to my own personal zoo:)

  12. That little Boots is in to everything, so cute!

  13. Hey I'm a new follower and I LOVE your idea of "week without words" :)

    Also, I love your shoes...what kind are they? I have seen a lot of people wearing them and am just wondering!


  14. Do you live in Tampa??

    I'm so jealous you can run outside in shorts. Lucky you!

  15. oh my gosh, i LOVE the one with Boots and the toilet paper. thankfully, milo & otis have not discovered that toilet paper can be a toy, at least not yet. crossing my fingers that they continue to keep each other occupied by wrestling.

    happy sunday, girl!


  16. Haha!! Oh my gosh your cat. I love that stage!

    And thanks to you I'm now craaaaaving mexican food. Big time.

  17. I love your pictures :) thanks for sharing! And thanks for the button help yesterday through e-mail :)
    Have a blessed week, Jessica! :)

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. how did you like the vow?! I loved it!!

    >check out my new post on HOMEMADE MASCARA! :)

    Best Wishes from, Classic+Glam

  20. Scrabble Cheese-its? Where do you get these? And I love your kitty...they are just so entertaining! Looks like a fun week!

  21. Cute! My kitties always make me laugh :)

  22. Haha, your cat sure is a sly one! Your blog is great! I recently started blogging and I am trying to get more people to read my blog & I was hoping you could share how you get many to tune in to your blog? Happy Blogging !

  23. Awh! I love cats even though they are such trouble makers sometimes! And mojitos? Ughh. Love!


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