
February Sponsor Wrap Up!

I have something BIG to tell you guys.
I got a full 8 hours of sleep last night....8!
I can't even tell you the last time that happened!
So wonderful.
Anyway, today I have 2 lovely bloggers to share with you :)
I can't believe that these are my last sponsors to share in February.
Where did the month go?!

First up is Lauren over at Our Crazy Ever After.
I usually find myself cracking up every time I'm reading a post by her!

"Jesse and I barely survived a year of planning "our big fat farm wedding", and now find ourselves in the beginning days of (mostly) wedded bliss. We originally started this blog as a way to talk about all things wedding (the good, the bad, and the funny). It has now evolved into something else, but what that is, we're not entirely sure. Come join our journey on the crazy train as we regale tales of Our Crazy Ever After."


And then there is Liz from Liz's Lovely Life.
She is an absolute doll! One of the sweetest bloggers!

I am Liz! I started blogging just a few days before New Year's and since starting my blog I have had the opportunity to meet many wonderful ladies (like Jessica), increased my tech/internet skills (WOW! I know!) and really found my passion for writing, trying new things and just finding happiness in the simple things.

I am 22 years old and got married this past May- less than a month after graduating from my undergrad!! I am studying to become a teacher and come April I will graduate with my B.Ed.  I hope to be a high school French/History teacher.  I live in a small town called Spencerville (population 500) in Ontario, Canada.

I enjoy cooking and baking, crocheting, Pinterest(!!!), reading, running, praying and of course- blogging!"


You know the drill - head on over and show them some love!
And tell them that I sent you :)
Enjoy your Saturday, lovelies!


  1. I love Liz's blog so much! But I definitely need to check out Lauren's. Sounds cute!

  2. Awesome guest bloggers - looks like I might have to go and check them out!


I love reading your encouraging words :)
Seriously...every comment makes my day a little brighter!
SO THANK YOU for being wonderful!

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