
SPECIAL Pass It Forward Reveal :)

First of all, happy Friday :)
I don't have any special plans, but I am SO glad 
that I don't have to wake up and go to work/school!

I'm not participating in High Five for Friday today (sad, I know), BUT I have 2 things that I think you guys are gonna love. The first is my guest post over at Life as Twiggy will be up today so definitely go check that out! The post was supposed to go up yesterday (which is why I mentioned it in my post) but life happens :) Anyway, go check out Celeste's blog, read my post (it's a wanna be DIY/mini encouraging project), and show her some blog love :)


And #2...

Today, I am so extremely, incredibly, absolutely (do you get how excited I am?!)
stoked to share with you a project that Ashley over at The Shine Project is launching
that I know is going to impact so many people :)

The Shine Project is one of my favorite blogs!
It is so inspiring & Ashley has the biggest heart.


So of course I'm really honored to be one of the bloggers helping her launch

Pass It Forward!

What it is:
[via Ashley]

"Pass It Forward was designed to get people to do little things, everyday, that makes an impact on the community around them. Pass It Forward is designed around a card:

 Each card is given a unique ID number. Lets say we're at McDonalds, and I decide to pay for the person behind me in the drive through. I'd give the cashier the card, and tell them to pass it along to the next car when the give them the food that has been paid for. I then go home and log into the website that was on the card, and find my unique ID number. I log into it, and add my information... my first name, city, and a description of what I did. Let's say the person behind me was you, you would pass it forward to someone else, and then would go home and do the same thing. 

From the very beginning, you will be able to track where your card goes, and how many people you affect just by doing one simple act of kindness.

This project has the potential of working small miracles in the lives of those we pass, and we will then be able to see how far one simple act can go. I want to spread the shine community into something that is in every city, so that we can get more projects done and change more lives... I have strongly felt like this is a big way that will get accomplished."


UMMM is it just me or does this mesh perfectly with some of the Smell the Roses tasks?!
Which is one of the reasons why I am SO on board with this project!
Ashley is sending me a Pass It Forward card in the mail, and I can't wait to get my hands on it and go out and start changing the world!

I know how inspired you are from hearing about this little idea and that you want nothing more than to help however you can...right?!

For full details on Pass It Forward head on over to The Shine Project :)


And Pass It Forward has a website dedicated to it which you can visit here.
(Make sure you have your pop up blockers turned off!)

And in case I haven't hold you guys lately...

I appreciate every single one of you!
You all inspire me more than you know :)
Keep doing what you do!
And always remember...
you are beautiful, you are talented, you are strong!

And I mean that :)


  1. that is a really good idea! sadly, i do wish people would just do nice things outside of projects like this, but i am glad there are people who think of how to motivate people to do things like this. make sense? probably not.

    i always try to do the little things. hold doors open. let people in front of me in line. smile. tell people i like their bag/hair/dress etc. have conversations with clerks. smile. it makes life better.

  2. This sounds so awesome! I kind of want to go to the Shine Project and get a card, and I kind of want to see if one gets to me first ; ) I hope it spreads so fast!



  3. So you are the 5th blogger friend who posted about this today! Hahah I get the point by now. Just Do IT! ;-)

    No but really, I think it's a swell idea.

    Yay for Friday!!! I woke up early, when I didn't have to. Oh well! Eat a bagel from panera for me....I miss them so much.

  4. What an interesting idea! I'd love to see how they do with tracking. With or without tracking though, this is something we can do all the time.. so thanks for that reminder this morning! :)

    Happy Friday to you too!

  5. What an awesome idea! I love it :)


  6. LOVEEEE the sine project... reminds me of our Act of Kindness Day we recently had here in Oregon. You go girl... pass the positivity around!

  7. I LOVE this! I just ordered a pack of cards. Can't wait until they come! I try to do little things all the time for people, but it will be so cool to see how the cards get passed on. Thanks for sharing!

    Kristin @houseonahillblog.com

  8. This sounds awesome, and right up my alley!! Thanks for sharing this!!

  9. I can't wait until I get my card. You're still in college right?
    I plan on buying some more and have a couple circulate through campus, and and the rest take to stores/columbus when I shop :)

    I seriously LOVE this and can't wait.
    You'll have to let us know when you use yours :)


  10. I'm so loving the pass it forward idea! Good for you for helping launch this project. I am going to check it out now to hopefully get involved! Happy Friday love! Xoxo

  11. I love the Shine Project! I am so excited about this, and how fun is it to see where the card has been! I am also starting my Change4Change jar, and planning to write a post about that as well! You go girl! Get in there and make a difference. So inspiration Jessica!

    Have a fantastic Friday!


  12. Awesome, totally doing this! I went ahead and bought the 10 cards in the store - I know I'll want to use them all. It's a great excuse to do lots of nice things :)

  13. What an awesome idea!! You girls are so creative and inspiring! I am heading to her blog now to check it out more.

    Happy happy Friday girly!! XO!

  14. I read about that yesterday on her blog. Love it! I can't wait :)

  15. Hello! I just added myself to your followers for support, and wanted to invite you to come follow my blog and be a part of a fun giveaway I’m having!
    Hope to see you there! Thanks!


  16. This is so amazing!! I can't wait to hear about your journey through this project. I'm a proud co-blogger! ;)


  17. I love that so many of my "daily reads" were the "chosen ladies" to kick this off! I can't wait to buy my pack of 10!

    Happy weekend, pretty lady!

  18. i just read up on this - its so beautiful! i love that you are doing this xoxo


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