First of all, I hope every single one of you had a fabulous, relaxing weekend!
I'm stoked about sharing our Smell the Roses from last week :)
Last week's task was to write a list of 5 things that you love about yourself. Seems simple enough. It actually took me a good 25 minutes to think of my 5 things, though. Bottom line - we need to start showing ourselves some love, people! I believe that you can't love others until you truly love yourself. So embrace your inner YOU and link up with a post that talks about your 5 favorite things about yourself.
Here are mine:
[and no, I don't have a board that says "I love me because..." just hanging in my apartment ;) - I use this board for Adam, but I altered it to make my smell the roses task a little cuter!]
Don't forget to link up to this post with the list of things that you love about you :)
Last week we loved on ourselves, now let's love on others.
Template for printable here.
This week's task:
Leave an encouraging note somewhere for a stranger to find.
Just something short and sweet to bring a smile to someone's face. Can you imagine if you were having a bad day and you found a sticky note that said "You have purpose & you are beautiful" stuck to the backside of a public bathroom stall door or on the handle of a buggy (aka a shopping cart...haha) would turn your whole day around. Sometimes we underestimate the power of our words. Just as easy as we can crush someone with hurtful words, we can pick someone up with kind ones.