
Last January Sponsor Spotlight!

I am in shock at how quickly January has flown by!
Can you believe that today is my blog's 2 month anniversary...crazy.
But exciting!

I want to introduce you guys to the last of my wonderful January sponsors :)

First is Erin from Captivated By Grace!


"Hello beautiful ladies! My name is Erin and I blog over at Captivated By Grace. I'm a twenty-something Christ follower with a passion for life, love, and above all else, my faith in the Lord. I love to share the joys and beauty that can be found in this world, as well as the times that are not as beautiful and can be a bit more challenging. Let's face it...life is full of ups and downs. I began blogging to reflect on the things I am learning in my life, and hope to bring a touch of happiness, a dash of encouragement, and a pinch of love to whoever is in need of it. I have been captivated by God's grace. Come get captivated with me!"

Next up is Kate from Wake Up, Lovely!


"I'm Kate from Wake Up, Lovely, a daily lifestyle blog about all of my favorite little things in life, like tattoos, good books, and pretty crafts. I hope you stop by to say hello sometime!"

And the last two are:

Ashley from The Heart of Life


Mandy from Bunny Girl Blog

I had a lot of fun swapping with all of my January sponsors and want to thank them for working with me as I learned about swapping :) 

Happy weekend!


  1. Thanks for having me Jessica! I cannot believe you have only been blogging for 2 months....your blog is blowing up so fast!!!

  2. So happy for your success on your lovely blog! I am happy we are blog twins :). I am happy we are following each other! I am just happy :).

    Have a great weekend!

    Melissa from Grin and Barrett Blog

  3. Love your blog!! :) follow me back?? I'm following you!!

  4. these girls seems amazing! love erin already!

    1. She's awesome - glad you love her, too :)


  5. Wow ding great for 2 months! Better than me that is for sure. hehe. Love the blog!


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SO THANK YOU for being wonderful!

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