
I Swear There's More to my Life than Wine, Food & my Kitten

1. Bike ride with Adam!
2. My study buddy...wine & strawberries.
3. Coffee drinking & sunset watching on my patio.
4. She's a little pillow monster, I swear!

5. Grilled chicken ranch goodness
6. Stuck her head in a candle and burnt her 
eyebrow whiskers :(
7. Watching Poochie move to Georgia..sad day.
8. Wine tasting with Adam in Plant City.

9. My first SOAPing experience!
10. Sushi after wine tasting.
11. Kicking her self in the head and rolling 
around like Sonic the Hedgehog.
12. BEST strawberry milkshake/shortcake place - 
opened for the season!

13. She was tired so I drank a glass on her behalf.
14. Picnic at a new park - checked off my 52 in 2012 list!
15. Visit a vineyard and do a wine tasting...check!
16. My awesome Shine merch arrived! 

Goal this week: take pictures of things other than food, my cat, and wine ;)


  1. Looks like you had a pretty awesome week... and trust me... there's nothing wrong with wine, food, and kitties. :)

  2. I agree with Susan!! What could be more interesting then seeing all these adorable pictures of your cat?Love your blog!

  3. Nothing wrong with wine, food and adorable kitty! :)

  4. Love your pics! Looks like a good week and you should never be ashamed of that!

    Melissa from Grin and Barrett Blog

  5. When I look back at my pictures for the week, I think the same thing...is this what my life is? Hahaha! It's the little things that make a life, right? Love the picnic in the park idea, I'll have to do that when it warms up here!

  6. I always take millions of pictures of my kitties! Nothing wrong with that! :) <3

  7. aw great pics! Looks like you had a great week! And cute kitty's!

    XO. Britt

  8. Love your instagram pics! Found you from Story of my life link-up :)

  9. I love milkshakes and shortcake! I'm jealous!
    That shine shirt is so cute!

  10. nothing wrong with wine food and your kitty! sounds like the perfect life! haha anyway what do you use to make those portioned pictures for this post? so cute! I also SOAP every day and I love it!


  11. everyone need a little wine and a little food every now and then....or every day

  12. haha those are the best things - wine, food, and kitties :)
    love these cute pictures!
    hope you're having a good weekend!

  13. Oh what a great week/ weekend!!! You can never really have enough food or wine… I will totally have to try that frozen grapes thing!!

    YOURE just wonderful!

  14. picnic at the park - sounds wonderful! it is snowy and freezing here!! and food is always good to photograph. : )

  15. It's great that you crossed so many things off your 52 in 2012 this week/weekend!! Sounds like fun! I've always wanted to do a wine tasting!!

  16. Love the Shine Shirt! I think I may order one myself! :)

  17. Mmm strawberries & wine! Your poor kitten :( Love your Shine shirt! I've thought about ordering myself one too!

  18. Nothing wrong with food, wine, and kitten pictures. :) Great shots!

  19. I am jealous of that fruit and wine! Looks like such a fun weekend!

  20. Love these sets of pictures! Looks like you had a fantastic week. :)

  21. So much wine and wine tasting ... I am BEYOND jealous! And sushi too ? Oh my word .. Sounds like the best week ever! (:


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