
High Five for Friday!

3 cheers for Friday: YAY, YAY, YAY :)
Since I don't have Fridays off this semester, I fully appreciate the hype about Fridays!

Anyway, I'm linking up with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk for


So here are my 5 favorite things from this past week:
(I'm gonna warn you now, my week consisted of a whole lot of school so nothing was super exciting. But hey, it's the little things that count right?!)

one. I started reading The Hunger Games. I was skeptical at first, but I have to admit...I'm hooked!

two. SOAPING! Seriously so awesome to do during my daily quiet time. I found it thanks to Erin over at Captivated by Grace. Here is the link she gave for explaining it a little more.

The inside cover of my SOAP journal :)

three. 98 days until graduation! Hallelujah. Seriously hoping I can make it until then - senioritis is kicking in already...

four. I got this new candle (Paradise Flower) from Target & I am obsessed. It smells fabulous (even when it's not lit) and it's a great color. Plus it's 1/2 the price of a Yankee Candle. Can't beat that!

five. My hair can sort of go in a ponytail without a headband! This is HUGE. I haven't had a real ponytail in about 4 years, and I'm trying so hard to grow my hair out. I mean I still have to load up on the bobby pins & hairspray, but hey...we're getting there ;)

I'm also linking up with Hollie for...

Enjoy your Friday, friends :)


  1. I have classes on Fridays this semester too! UGH. It was so nice last semester when my weekend started on Thursday.

    You will LOVE the Hunger Games I read them a while back and I seriously got through each of the books in like a day and half. SO GOOD.

    I feel ya on the senioritis...all I want to do is blog, sleep, and do nothing :) hang in there!

  2. ooo that candle looks amazing :) happy friday!

    1. It smells SO good! And I can smell it all over my apartment :)

      Happy Friday to you, girl!

  3. Love Candles! :) When I had shorter hair I got so excited when I could put it in a pony tail! :) Even if it was kinda sorta!!

    1. Kinda sorta is a step toward "yay a real ponytail!" right?! lol

      Have a happy Friday, girl!

  4. Your hair will get there! I chopped mine up to my chin two years ago because it was so fried and it took me about a year and a half to grow it back. It won't be long before you are posting pics of you with long hair:)

    Happy Friday!!!!!

  5. The Hunger Games Trilogy is AMAZING! You will love it. I am making all of my students read it right now. :-)

    1. I'm about halfway through book 1 and I'm so into it! Can't get enough :)
      What do you teach?! Exciting!


  6. I loved the Hunger Games Trilogy. I may have to read it again. I love candles and I have found Yankee very cheap at Home Goods/TJMaxx!

  7. LOVE the hunger games! Hope you have a good weekend!

  8. I love the Hunger Games! & Target candles. They have a red velvet cupcake one that is my favorite :)

  9. Thank you so much for sharing the SOAP journal! Awesome :) Congrats on the pony :):)

  10. Thanks for sharing the SOAP thing. I need to get back into journaling Scripture stuff again.

    1. Absolutely :)
      I've done it every day this week and it's pretty awesome!


  11. 98 days, I'm sure that is a super duper feeling! Congrats! This soap thing looks cool...must check it out.


  12. love this...especially number one. those books are crazy good. i don't want to finish the third one because then it will be over! happy friday! xo

  13. Yay for The Hunger Games! And thanks for sharing the S.O.A.P. thing! That is a really great way to freshen up my devotions! Thanks for sharing!!

  14. So glad that you're reading The Hunger Games. I was skeptical too, but read the first two books in 2 days...oops? I am in the beginning of the third book, but afraid to start reading at night because I know I won't be able to stop...

  15. Yay for only 98 days til your graduation! I know exactly what day you will be graduating because I'm doing a countdown for our trip to Jamaica and we have 101 days left! Countdowns are so exciting!

    Hope you have a good weekend, Jessica :)

  16. I need to get into the Hunger Games, only because I have heard its awesome! What's it really about?


  17. I really really really need to start the hunger games my cousin is one of the producers on the movie so I should totally get on that...

    Congrats on your pony I know it's a tough aggravating task to grow out our hair!!!

    98 day: you can do itttttt!!!

    Happy Friday!!


  18. Aw I am so glad you like SOAPING! I printed that off and taped it in my journal too! :) Stephanie is so awesome for posting about it. :) That candle looks like a must have for me now!

  19. I found you on Hollie's #ff!! Love your blog and I'll def. be back to check it out!! Now a new Follower!!

  20. Love your blog! I actually went to Target today and bought that candle. It smells SO good :) The others smelt good too but I took your word on this one and bought it!!

    1. Ahhh I'm so glad you like the candle...I'm obsessed lol.
      Every time I'm home I light it :)

      Thanks for reading, girl!

  21. hunger games is so good! you will be addicted before you know it! (i was skeptical at first as well).

    your blog is adorable! i found it on hollie's page :)


    1. Yay thank you, girl :)

      Following you back!
      And yes, I'm staying in tonight so I can finish the first book...I'm THAT into it lol


  22. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I follow you as well now :)


  23. I also graduate super soon and my hair can finally be put in a ponytail! Yay! That candle looks like it smells amaze- must try it out soon. Enjoy the weekend! xo

  24. YAY for your hair!! I had long hair until December and chopped it and now....it's a love/hate relationship.

    I currently have it up with a headband and TONS of bobby pins so I know what you're feeling!

    I'm taking prenatals to get it growing quickly; they work GREAT!
    Happy weekend!


  25. Never heard of SOAPING before but I am totally intrigued. Sounds wonderful!! And yay for longer hairs.. haha i feel your pain with the annoying-ness of trying to grow short hair =/

    have a great friday!
    Leigh Anne

    1. Isn't SOAPING awesome?! Fresh way to do my devos :)
      My younger brother informed me that my hair is "at that awkward stage"...awesomeee lol

      Happy weekend!

  26. congrats on the ponytail! I've been in the same process for awhile now. Although, I am happy to report mine is now going on top of my head in a bun with just a few bobby pins! stick with it!


    1. Thanks, girl :)
      Can't wait til I'm at the bun stage lol


  27. I have that candle from Target! It's the best! Enjoy your weekend! xo

  28. I LOVE the hunger games!!!!! They are amazing!! I have even done posts about them!!! I hope you enjoy them as much as I have!!! Can't wait for the movie!


  29. I didn't really want to read the Hunger Games at first but then I did after reading reviews and stuff and got hooked! Became one of my favorite books.

  30. so have you started the second book or still on the hinger games? i loved it too, but for some reason havent rushed to read number two! but their names drive me nuts... but i am still reading!!! hahahahaha

    love your blog, i am a new follower!


  31. ugh...I haven't had one semester of no Friday classes yet, and next semester if I have Friday classes again then I won't have a chance the rest of my college career because I'll start student assisting next winter! :( I LOVE Target candles..yummy; but I have to make sure to have self control! haha.

  32. hey!!! love that you are soaping!!! xo

  33. 42 comments! Woah girl...you are loved! I couldn't live without ponytails! I'm trying to learn how to do the sock bun. I loved the hunger games!!!! Enjoy! Happy Monday!


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