
Green Monster

It's Thursday, 
which means 1 more day until Friday - we can do this!

Tuesday I did my product spotlight on Bolthouse Farms' "Green Goodness" juice.
I told you guys that I was gonna show you my own version of a green drink (more like a smoothie) so here it is :)

Doesn't look SO bad right? It's actually super delicious and healthy.
I promise ;)

What You'll Need:

2 heaping handfuls of spinach (low in calories, high in vitamins)
3 strawberries (full of fiber to keep digestion regular)
1 frozen banana - cut before you freeze (high energy fruit, full of potassium) 
Small handful of frozen blueberries (high in antioxidants)
About 1/2 cup of frozen mango chunks (improves digestion & lowers cholesterol)
1/2 cup of almond milk (I use unsweetened)
1 scoop of protein (I use vanilla flavored)
1/2 teaspoon of Splenda (optional)

I put the protein in the blender, then the spinach, banana, blueberries, mangos, strawberries, and milk and mix it all together. I use the "puree" setting. Once everything is mostly liquidized (fancy word, huh?), I add in the Splenda (because I'm a wimp and have to add Splenda to just about everything) and blend it on the "liquify" setting for a few more seconds.

It doesn't look really appealing, BUT rest assured, it tastes gooooood! I usually drink one either for breakfast (if I have time to make it), or pre or post workout. It makes a decent sized glass - it usually takes me awhile to drink it all.

Here is what the finished product looks like:

If you don't have one of these hard, plastic cups with the lid and hard straw - you should really get on that. I use mine all the time to take drinks to class or to work. They're very car friendly, too!

This green monster smoothie tastes fruity (imagine that), but if you want a smoothie that's less fruity you might like to try the peanut butter banana smoothie that I posted about a few weeks ago! Do you see a trend here...I really like smoothies.

Give it a try and let me know what you think :)

Oh and PS: my best friend got me these adorable mixing bowls for my birthday, and I figured that since I used them to make this smoothie that it was appropriate to show them off ;)

Thanks, Britt :)
She picked these up at Anthropologie! 


  1. Those dishes are so cute! Anthro has the cutest home stuff!

  2. If only you lived closer...I know you'd totally kick my butt into being healthier! Btw- NO CLUE you lived in Florida...news to me!

  3. I make something very similar, when doing a "belly blast" or detox, and I love it!! One suggestion, instead of Splenda, you should use a little stevia or agave (or even honey). Those products are natural and easier for your body to process. :-). I switch out to different flavors of fruits, too. This way I don't get bored.

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. I've tried Stevua and I'm not a fan :(
      I do need to try agave, though!
      Thanks for letting me know, girl :)


    2. I would love to know more about the belly blast.

  4. Not gonna lie that green stuff does not look appetizing, But I am going to take your word for it that it tastes good! I'm not a big smoothie fan though so I dunno how I like it. Oh and it looks super fancy in your Starbucks glass! :) Maybe I'll give it a try!

  5. Tried the Green Goodness the other day. It's not bad!! Thanks for a great looking smoothie recipe.
    Yay!! It's almost FRIDAY!


    1. Pretty good for being healthy, right?!
      Glad you liked it :)

      YAY for almost Friday!

  6. But for real that doesnt seem a bad a I thought it might be at first… ok maybe ill be adventurous..
    You'll poach Ill try something green…

    ya da best!

  7. Can you taste the spinach? Because if not I'm totally going to try this!!

    1. NO! Try it - it's good :)
      If you're worried about the spinach, maybe start out with just 1 handful instead of 2?


    2. Can I use frozen or should it be fresh? also-those hard cups are awesome eh!

    3. I use fresh - I've never tried frozen!
      You can try? lol


  8. It sounds good!!! I have two insulated cups & absolutely love them!

  9. The spinach scares me a little but the fruit looks sooo good! I might have to try it out. Love the mixing bowls, so pretty!

  10. I've heard about that green monster and although I've heard only good things I am still scared! I should just try it already!

  11. I've been totally a over green smoothies lately-- but I put kale in 'em :)

  12. Haha... I totally tried the Green Goodness the other day and was not a fan (to each their own!) But because I know how good it is for you, I tried out the Odwalla Original Superfood which is very similar & I like it much better. This one is more fruity, where the other I could taste the algae more. Just an alternative!

    1. Aww bummer! Well at least you found something that you liked, right?!


  13. Great recipe. I have all of these things, so hubby and I will have one in the morning. I like that you used the fruit frozen. You could prepackage the fruit into individual bags and freeze and just pull them out and put in blender. AWESOME!

    1. That's exactly what I do now :)
      Makes it SO easy - takes less than 5 minutes!
      Hope you like it!


  14. I have to admit I don't even have a blender, but this looks fab!I LOVE spinach leaves-weird, I know. I might have to buy a blender and make these.

  15. Yum sounds so good.. ok it doesn't look so good, but I will trust you hehe :)

  16. Looks yummy! I normally just order my veggie and fruit smoothie from Jamba Juice. Maybe I should try making at home. Seems so simple. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Jamba Juice is one of my 2 favorite smoothie places :)
      But sometimes my wallet likes me better if I make them from home lol.


    2. True. Have you signed up for their email savings? Sometimes you can get a 16 for $2. Much more reasonable!

  17. I have the cup...not the smoothie :(. I need to get on that!


  18. thats so funny a girl from my work had this smoothie yesterday!!!

    Classic & Bubbly

  19. I am SO wanting that starbucks cup!!! And I'm so pumped for the recipe!! I've been wanting to do this!

  20. That actually looks completely delish! Also, my mom would die for those bowls!

    Hope your Thurs is going FAB!


  21. thank you for sharing the smoothie recipe! im definitely going to try it!

  22. That smoothie looks so good. I am going to buy the stuff for it today and have that for breakfast every morning before work!! I am trying to workout and lose weight and I think that this will really help.
    Btw I found you on the follow friday link up and I can't wait to read your blog!!


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