
Product Spotlight!

January is almost over (can you believe it?! No...me either). 
That being said, I know a lot of you guys have health & fitness goals for 2012. In order to encourage you to keep it up, I wanted to spotlight a healthy drink that can always be found in my refrigerator (unless I am in dire need of a trip to the grocery store that is).

DISCLAIMER: It looks super gross, and believe me, I was skeptical at first, but it's SO good! And so good for you...!

It's called "Green Goodness" by Bolthouse Farms.
I usually drink a small glass with my breakfast every morning, because it has so much good stuff packed into it! See below:

See...told you it was loaded. And you know you totally couldn't go a day without your Echinacea dose...
Oh, and FYI - this is the smaller bottle.

I'm really bad about eating the proper amount of fruits & veggies that you're supposed to eat every day. It's just hard for me to cram that much food into my daily diet. But drinking this knocks out a good chunk of my daily dose of fruits & veggies. 

Seriously, don't let the green scare you away - if you didn't know each bottle was loaded with veggies and other goodies, you'd think you were drinking fruit juice. I mean it's no cookie dough milkshake...but for what it is, it's delicious!

I buy mine at Publix (my local grocer) in the fresh fruit section. There are two sizes offered - a small and a large. The small usually lasts me about two small glasses, and the large usually lasts me right under a week (if I'm drinking it every morning). I'm always super tempted to buy the "better" looking flavors, like mango, but those don't have fruits AND veggies like "Green Goodness" does!

So, get to the store and buy yourself a bottle (or 2), because I refuse to let any of you give up on your healthy resolutions ;)

On Thursday, I'm planning on posting a recipe for a homemade version of this drink. Well it's more of a smoothie-type drink. I like it even more than I like this! 


  1. I love their 100% Carrot Juice. It was a little weird at first, drinking something that looked like it should be sweet, but I cannot get enough! :) The Green Goodness is pretty good, too, but the carrot is my fave!

    1. Oh! I'll have to try that one...it does sound kinda weird, though haha.


  2. You're right, it does kinda look disgusting. However, I'm also really bad about not getting enough fruits and veggies. You've definitely got me curious to try some out. I'll grab some next time I'm at Publix.

    1. It's worth trying :)
      Easy way to pack in a lot of good stuff without having to eat plates & plates of fruits and veggies lol.


  3. It IS really good?! Promise?! :) I will need to try it...I never get fruits and veggies in daily! Eeeesh!

  4. Have you ever tried their Vanilla Chai drink? It's SO SO good.


  5. Yum! I don't think that looks gross at all! I think it looks amazing! How can something with that insane amount of fruit in it possibly be bad!?
    Just dropping by from Hollie's linkup. :)


  6. Love it! Well...it does look freaky but I need to get those servings in. Grocery shopping today. I'll give it a try!


  7. I'm going to get some as soon as I leave school!! I can't wait to try it. Thanks for sharing! Xoxo

  8. Wow! Very informative! :)

    Loove your blog soo much Jessica!

    1. Yay I'm so glad you found me :)
      Excited to have you as a reader!

      Your blog name reminds me of my tattoo!
      I have 5 shots of a butterfly in flight!


  9. I've seen these before but have always been hesitant because you are right, they look gross. Maybe I'll pick one up the next time I'm at the store. Glad you showed this today!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  10. I must say it does not look good at all. But I cant believe how many vitamins are in that thing! I could probably drink a small glass and that was it a day.

  11. I thought the same thing when I first tried it, looks gross but it does taste good.

  12. My Mom drinks this all the time. I have yet to try it, the frog green color is kinda scary! lol I am pretty good during the week M-F eating my fruits and veggies. The weekends I just have one serving, this maybe the answer for Sat and Sun?

  13. I think I will be headed out in search of this magical concoction this afternoon-hope I can find it here in Canada!! We all appreciate you trying to keep us on the straight and narrow with regards to our goals!! As always, awesome post!! Can't wait for your recipe!!

    1. Let me know if you find/what you think!
      And if you can't find it, you an always try the recipe that I post on Thursday! :)


  14. I have seen this and always wondered if it was good. Need this for hubby and I and our busy lives! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Definitely worth trying :)
      Hope you guys like it!


  15. Love kiwis, I'll have to try this out!

    xo Shane

  16. oo I will have to see if our grocery store carries this! Worth a shot to try & I trust you! :) Thanks for sharing!

  17. The Strawberry Banana from Bolthouse is sooooo good:)

  18. Im a new follower from Erin at living in yellow. :-)
    You caught my attention by living in Florida! I lived there my whole life until I got married! I miss publix soooo much. Lol what area in fl are you? Stop by my blog sometime. :-)

    And I love the berry drink from bolthouse. I'll have to try the green stuff sometime haha

  19. I'm going to have to try this, so glad you posted about it! :)

    1. You must - it's so good for how healthy it is :)
      hope you like it!


  20. This is one of my favorite drinks! It actually tastes really good! :)

    1. I agree :)
      I'd drink it even if it wasn't so healthy lol


  21. maybe i need to drink more greens! i probably don't eat them as much as i should in fact i know i don't so getting this juice is probably the next best thing

  22. Interesting! I"ll have to check it out! I need to see how much sugar is in those because sometimes if my blood sugar shoots up if I"m not careful!

  23. Hi Jessica! I am visiting (and now following!) from Erin's blog. I like it here! ; )
    Thanks for reviewing this juice, I think I will actually buy some! I always see it in the store and I've tried others but not this one.

    Looking forward to looking around your blog!

  24. I LOVE bolthouse juices! So so good! And thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm glad you enjoyed the soaping post : ) your blog is just lovely!!

  25. ohh these are my go-to drinks when i'm sick. i recently tried the vanilla chai, like someone else commented on, and it is absolutely delicious!!

    1. I need to try it since everyone is saying it's so good.
      It sounds delicious :)


  26. ooohh cant wait to see your smoothie tomorrow! I make a green post workout smoothie, I'll have to see if its similar (:

  27. So Matt and I took a trip to Sams Club tonight to get groceries and I remember your post over this and you'd be so proud because I bought 2 of them (they came in a pack). We just tried them and are really impressed...plus we feel healthy drinking them!! I asked Matt if I started making ones similar to this drink (or like the green drink you made) would he start drinking them?! He said yes :) Look at you inspiring little ol' us! ;) Thanks girl!!


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