
Oh Hay Friday - SO Good to See You!

I am SO incredibly happy to see that Friday has decided to show up!
Sadly, I'll probably be home catching up on homework & work tonight...but that's beside the point. Saturday & Sunday will be work/homework free!

The point IS that it's Friday and that means it's time to link up with Lauren for 
some High Five for Friday action :)



My 5 favorite things from this week are:

I got a cute little Valentine in the mail from my sweet blog friend Steph & it literally made my week! How cute is that?! You all know how much I love getting snail mail. Thanks Steph :)

Speaking of sweet blog friends, my blog bff (yes, I have one...don't judge ;)), Meg, has encouraged me SO much this week. I've been having some doubts about the direction that God wants me to go in after graduation, and she's been right there shooting me emails telling me what I need to hear (whether I want to hear it or not...her words haha!). She's seriously such a blessing, and I'm sure that God knew exactly what he was doing when he put her in my life. LOVE YOU GIIIRRL.

I found out about a 5k called The Color Run, and I can't tell you how excited I am! Adam & I are gonna do the Orlando race :) Plus, completing a 5k is on my 52 in 2012 list. BOOM. But seriously...how fun does this look?! You get showered with a different color paint for each kilometer. I'm in!


Speaking of running, I went jogging outside yesterday for the first time in awhile. And it was SO nice to be freed from the 4 walls of the gym. 

My grandma is awesome. Wanna know why? In this post I mentioned how I was stoked about the new TOMS flats coming out, but sadly they were out of my price range. My grandma read the post and you know what she did? SHE BOUGHT ME SOME.

The note says, "On your blog 'High Five for Friday' on February 3 you chose 5 things that you loved - well the number 5 on that list can now be answered. Hope it makes you as happy as it made me doing it for you. As always, love you forever. -Toy"
How thoughtful is she?! I love her so much, and I'm so grateful for all that she does for me. You can read more about her on my About Me page :)


I hope you have a fabulous weekend!
So go do that, okay?! :)
And don't forget to do the Smell the Roses task - you'll be glad you did it!


  1. I just talked about The color run today! I want to do it so bad but there is not one around me and I know no one near the others :(

    Still can't get over your grandma getting you those shoes, I seriously think I love her! heheh

    xoxo Meghan

  2. What a sweet Grandma you have!! And the color run sounds so cool!! Have a great weekend.

  3. Reading about the gift from your Grandma makes me miss mine so much! You are a very lucky girl :)


  4. 1. I love snail mail too. Hum idea!?
    2. I KNOW he knew what he was doing. (and I am glad you mentioned the "whether you want it or not part cause I was a little worried that that was too harsh )
    3. I found out about the color run in Dallas the day before it happened. I was soooo mad I want to do it Sooo bad. Next year!!!
    4. Gosh your grandma is cool. iPhone,Toms. Just a regular hipster g-ma ;)

    Happpyyyy fridayyygh

  5. That run looks awesome - and those TOMS are the CUTEST :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  6. your grandma is so sweet! i love those tom flats! hope you have a great weekend girl!

    with love,

  7. What a sweet Valentine :) and that is so sweet that your grandma got you those shoes. And the color run!! That sounds so dang fun! You must post pics!

    Have a great weekend girl :)


  8. LOVE everything in this post!

  9. SO jealous of your new Toms! I can't wait to see pictures of your 5k! It looks so fun!

  10. So glad you had a good week and an encouraging friend!! Love Meg! She is sweet :) oh, and your Toy, too ;)

    So exciting about the 5k! Hopefully when my ol' knees get back to normal I will get in the hang of running again. So fun you get to use different color paint for it! Woop!

    Happy Friday!!

  11. You'll be totally fine after graduation! I had NO idea what I was going to do with myself (well, still don't really!), and everything turned out fine. God will show you the direction you're meant to go in.

    Yeah for a 5k! I've been doing the Couch to 5k running program since I'm the worst runner ever. Someday I hope to get back in good shape and run a 5k. And your shoes are so cute!!

    Have a great weekend!


  12. Aren't grandmas the best!? They are always showing way more love than you think one person could hold... Hope you have a GREAT weekend!

  13. I am going to try to do The Color Run in Charlotte, in October! Can't wait!! Love your tennis shoes! How sweet that she bought you those (CUTE!) Toms!!

  14. I'm so glad you loved your card!!! And how sweet was that of your grandmother to buy you those toms. I'm so jealous!!! Have a fabulous day! Xoxo

  15. Awww how super sweet of your gma!!! They are cute too!

    Happy Friday!

  16. Aw aren't Grandmas the best?! I am seeing mine today! :) The Color Run looks so fun. So glad you have a great bloggy friend to turn to for advice!

  17. awww... so sweet of ur grandma! Have a blessed weekend:)

  18. i love your new toms! what a sweet, sweet grandma you have.

  19. Oh my gosh, aren't Grandma's the BEST? That was so sweet! I want to do the color run in our area, it looks SO cool!!

  20. Toy is one awesome grams! NICE Toms! I usually don't like them, but the flats are cute! And the Color Run looks like so much fun!

    Happy Friday, dear!

  21. I'm doing the Color Run in Chicago! I can't wait! Also, love those new Toms flats! Needs a pair ASAP!

  22. OMG Color Run! YESSSSS ... checked that they have one in Portland later this year WOOOOOP!!

    Happy Friday girlfrannnn!

  23. Super cute valentine!

    I LOVE the idea of the color run, gonna do some research and see if there are any locations in my neck of the woods!

    I have only been able to run outside once this past week, we keep getting snow showers, gah!

    Your grandma is so sweet! And I love those Toms!!

    Happy Friday!

  24. The color run sounds so fun!! :)

    ... I rhyme. Extra points for me.

  25. my friends and i are doing the color run! im so excited!! it looks like a ot of fun. have a great weekend!

  26. Oh my, what an awesome grandmother!!

    And I'm doing the color run in Nashville. cannot wait!

  27. Your Grandma is so sweet! And I want to do the color run too when it comes to NYC! Looks like so much fun!

  28. Nothing wrong with blog best friends! I have one, too. I refer to her as my BBFF, which was quite upsetting to my real-life BFF before I explained the difference.

    Those Toms are ADORABLE!

  29. Your Grandma is the best! Hope you have a fab weekend!


  30. Ahh i want to go jogging outside so badly! the weather is sort of prohibiting right now! soon...

  31. Wow!!!Do I feel special..Jessica, you were correct when you said you had the most awesome lovely ladies following your blog..thank you everyone for the lovely compliments..its an honor and pleasure to be her Grandma "TOY"..as always, Love you forever..

  32. I want to do the color run too! in chicago. It looks like so much fun! And those new shoes are sweet!

  33. The Color Run sounds awesome! I might have to do the one in Chicago. AND I love those Toms!!!

  34. Sounds like you've had a wonderful week! Love the new kicks ;)

    Have a lovely weekend! Your newest follower,
    Tara xo

  35. I think you may have the sweetest Grandma in the world! I don't think my grandma has ever even been on a computer. :-) And I hope you do figure out where God is leading you, just keep plugging away and He will show you the way!

  36. Ahhh no way! My friend was just telling me she's doing the Chicago Color Run..I want to do the Orlando one! So so cool! PS I'm wearing your color of the week..it's my fave too :)


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