
Sticky Rice, Red Lips & Lots of Love!

I'm gonna be honest, I used to hate Valentine's Day. I don't know if I was just trying to stick it to the man and be different or what...because I've always had a Valentine or some awesome girls to hang out with. Whatever the case, I got bit by the love bug and was excited to celebrate this year :)
I even did a little celebrating in the days leading up to the big day!

I made a special trip to a certain Starbucks to get my hands on one of these adorable Valentine's inspired Starbucks cups :) The Starbucks near my apartment didn't have them...sad!

This wasn't a Valentine's present, but Adam got me this mug last week,
and I love it. It says "LOVES" on one side (that's one of our "things") and
 the phrase, "I love you more than coffee in the morning" is wrapped around the bottom, 
leading to the flower. Clever isn't he? :)

We bought the cup at Starbucks

I painted my nails a saucy red-ish color with some sparkle on my ring fingers.
Hopefully I'll be getting some other kinda sparkle for that finger soon if you know what I mean ;)

The color is E-nuf is E-nuf by Essie

I even decorated my apartment a tiny bit!

This love banner was inspired by this one that Meg made :)

I made this for Adam :) I write a new note every few days and send him a
picture since we don't live together. Here is the free printable so you
can make one, too!

And then Valentine's Day arrived!

I woke up and worked out and went to class..the usual.
But when I got home from class I found this at my door...

My favorite part was his note! haha. Not normal is right :)
I'm not one to hate on roses, but I'd much prefer a bouquet of fun daises.
Looks like he knows me pretty well, huh?

Adam left work a little early and came to my apartment.
We planned to make homemade sushi...

Looks good right?! WRONG! It was awful haha.
It was so much harder than we thought, especially since we didn't have a rice cooker.
And it kinda grossed us out a little.
But we had so much fun laughing and trying to make it work.
The kitchen was covered in sticky rice and it reeked of rice vinegar!
Note to self: when craving sushi, go out and BUY it ;)

So that picture up there is what should have happened
and here is what actually happened...

We ordered pizza, ate some chocolate covered strawberries, drank some wine, and watched New Girl. Oh yeah, and we danced around my apartment to John Mayer. If it makes it any better, we both dressed up in cute red outfits ;)

But we had SUCH a blast just hanging out and being together.
I'd say this was one of my top Valentine's Days :)
AND I know I said I was gonna rock the red pants on Valentine's Day, but there was a little issue. I tried them on and they were HUGE on me. I forgot to wash them so that they would shrink...Valentine's Day just crept up on me I guess!

So in place of posting a picture of my red pants, I figured I'd post a picture of my red lips! This is what I wore to go see The Vow this weekend. And I'm pale, but I promise I'm not THAT pale. Must have been the flash or something...yikes!

Shoes: TOMS flats courtesy of my sweet Grandma
Top/Jeans: LOFT
Necklace: Target
Jacket: Levi's

I am so stoked that I get to cross #19 "Wear red lip stick in public at least once" off of my 52 in 2012 list!
My thoughts on The Vow: Ehh. It was cute, but I expected more. The acting and story line were both great, but I feel like the movie was underdeveloped or something? Still had me crying though!
As if you haven't read enough from me today, go read my guest post over at Breezy Days :)


  1. Hi Jessica! Love the picture frame you made.. I made one similar for my husband for us to leave notes one :) Love your blog by the way!

  2. Oh my, there is SO much cuteness in this post! Love it! Y'all are great :)

  3. fab post, you guys looked like you had fun! x

  4. Your Valentine's Day sounds like the cutest ever!! I love that you had fun making bad sushi and ended up getting pizza. When I scrolled down to those pictures it made me laugh. Your pre-Valentine's decorations were cute too.

  5. I totally have that nail polish and love the color! But for some reason I'm still partial to OPI....plus I want to try out that Butter nail polish I keep hearing about. Anywho, you are TOTES a blogger superstar! Don't even try to deny it! Thanks for the post swap, it was way fun, and I'm glad to have met you via the blogosphere :D

  6. Yes I'd say you had a fantastic vday!!!
    When you get married I will buy you a rice cooker! Those things are so amazing and handy! Lol
    Umm I love you with red lips. Deff a winner. :-)
    Totally a daisy girl myself....or maybe orchids...roses are nice once in awhile for me. Oh! Carnations are so cute too and last longer haha

    Can't wait for you to get a permanent sparkle on your finger too!
    Xoxo TJ

  7. LOVE that banner! And coffee cup. And your nails! Cute Cute girl !

    1. your flowers, UN AWESOME. that poem is so freaking cute! I had a cute poem like that on my flowers too!

    2. Your banner turnned out SO cute! So glad i got to inspire you!

    3. Your red lips are fabbbbb.

    4. I love that your sushi was a disaster becuase it lead to a wonderfully/funny memory! So CUTEEE

    You're da best.
    Here's to adding something ELSE sparkley!!!


  9. You look like you had a really special day!

  10. Looks like you had an awesome Valentine's Day!! :) I too had that same coffee cup and took a very similar photo of it! I loved that Starbucks decorated their cups for a silly holiday like this. And I have never tried to make my own sushi... pretty sure after this post though, I will just skip the work and go buy it already made! :) Have a lovely day dear!!

  11. oh em geeeee you guys are too cute with your matching red outfits dancing your lives away! absolutely melted my heart!!

    And helllloooooo!! What are you talkin' about you're not good at DIY's... the banner is AMAZING... the DIY framed dry erase is ADORABLE!! You goooo girl!!

  12. Red lip stick looks great on you - I get so excited when I'm able to cross things off of my bucket list. It sounds to me like you had an amazing day regardless of the "awful" sushi. You had fun at least and ordered pizza! YUMMY!

  13. Love it all! Your red lipstick looks fantastic, I still haven't found the right shade. Making sushi sounds like so much fun! Even though you didn't get to eat it ; ) sounds like Plan B worked out great, too. Sounds like a super sweet Valetine's Day. I still need to make one of those "I love you because" boards! Maybe I'll use your printable, too!



  14. That sounds like a lovely Valentine's Day! That sushi looks SO good and those mugs are the cutest! And red lips are perfect for V Day :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  15. Such an adorable day for you two! (and I can't wait for you to post about an extra sparkly thing on your ring finger too!)

  16. I think that is a great color from Essie! Love the note in the flowers...priceless! Looks like you had a great v-day! Nice "what I wore" collage...rocking the red lips!

  17. I love everything about this post to sum it all up :)! What a special V day!


  18. You are beautiful.. I love this post. SO happy. I love your decos and it looks like you had a great day!! :)

  19. Love the mug! Mmm chocolate covered strawberries!! YOU are so adorable!!

  20. I'm not usually a lipstick kinda gal, but I wore some for Valentine's Day, and totally think I'm going to steal your "Wear red lipstick in public" goal :)

  21. JESSICA!

    You and Adam are just too cute for words. I love your little collages of pictures. Always too adorable. And pizza....well you know what I'm talking about!

    And girl, you look FAB with red lipstick on! My blonde hair pale self could NEVER pull that off!

    Oh and your TOMs flats...I CANNOT WAIT FOR MINE TO GET HEREEEE!!


    ps. I hope you have some "other kind of sparkle" for that finger too! BC I'm sure Adam will come up with some adorbs way to ask you!

  22. I loved your Valentine's day! And you look great in red lipstick! Have a great day!

  23. Ah, this looks like such a great day/night!

  24. LOOOOVE the red lips! I'm trying to get up the courage to wear red lipstick this weekend. Why is it so intimidating?! Also, love the nails!

    And I agree, daisies over roses ANY day.

    Thanks for the pizza craving, btw :)

    Yay for Tom's flats! I'm hoping for a pair for my birthday next month :)


  25. I pinned that board a few weeks back! I ended up getting SO busy and not making it so I'm glad I waited cause the Chevron will look great in Drake's room! I wanted to make 3 boards: my in-law's, parents and our home! YAY!

    Happy Weekend sweets.
    Get excited for some drunken pictures this next week! ;)

  26. sounds fun! we had a relaxing evening in too! i LOVE nights like that! I didn't see the vow, but I heard the book was phenomenal! going to check out the book tomorrow and read it over my week off.. I'll let you know how the book is :)

  27. Hold the phone for a second while I go completely Valley Girl all up in here: "Like, you guys are totes adorbs!!!"

    I bow to you just for having the courage to TRY making sushi at home! And we had chocolate covered strawberries too...mmm! :)

    Love the red lips! You totally rock 'em!!

    Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  28. Aww, looks like you guys had a great time!!
    And, your lipstick looked great. Now that you've done it once, you can pull it off more often.

  29. there is so much cuteness in this post.

    i love your mug, your nails, your banner and your homemade sushi. i wish my hubs would eat it!

  30. Yall are so cute together! We've tried to make sushi before, it was okay but the restaurant stuff is much better :) Love your nails!!!! I paint mine a lot but they chip within just a few hours. What kind of base/top coat do you use? Do yours chip easily?

  31. I agree about the roses thing and my husband wrote a strangely similar note attached to my daisies! His note said he didn't get me roses because they were "typical" and I'm not. And girl you look amazing in red lip sticks. That is always something I've wanted to try to pull off as well!

  32. i LOVE sticky rice! when i was in thailand i think i ate it ever single day. so so yummy! love your nails too!

  33. You are just adorable and so are the two of you together! I love how your little night ended up with a pizza and snuggling up! Oh, and your nails turned out gorgeous!! The denim jacket with that necklace is super cute. Okay, and one more thing - I just adore what you've been doing with the printable. Geez, are you just the sweetest or what? :)

  34. Home made sushi is ALWAYS a bad idea. It's just one of those things you have to suck it up and buy. I'm glad you have a lovely Valentines Day though! Enjoy your weekend!

  35. So many things to say!
    1. That banner is REALLY cute!
    2. I love the note that came with your flowers.
    3. My husband and I have totally done that failed dinner/go buy a hot and ready pizza thing.
    Looks like your Valentine's day was AWESOME!

  36. I LOVE your blog! This is such a cute post — I love all of your adorable photos and your red lipstick looked fabulous! How exciting to cross that off of your list.

    Your blog is a daily read of mine! I look forward to each new post.

    Happy Friday!

  37. Love your nails and the decorations! :) I want to make a frame like that someday! Awww sorry dinner didn't work out..but hey! Pizza is always better!

  38. I'm do glad that you loved your card. I love snail mail too! It always makes me so happy!
    The color run looks amazing...I'm doing the one in Atlanta in march. So excited!
    And how awesome is your sweet grandma.... I adore the new toms!
    Have a fabulous Friday love! Xoxo

  39. UM... girlfriend. Your sushi looked fine to me! I'd of ate it. Although, I'd of eaten that pizza too, so... I don't really have a point. Hahaha! LOL!

  40. Possible one of the sweetest posts I've ever read! Good for you for getting in the spirit... I love that you drank wine and ate pizza after a sushi fail! haha you two are adorbs.


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