
Get Your Read On

I made it through Monday, whew! I hope you did, too :)

Today's Product Spotlight is going to be a little bit different than usual. I'm going to spotlight my current favorite reads. I've been getting a few emails asking for book suggestions, and since I love reading so much I figured it'd be appropriate to dedicate a post to some of my favorite books!
Just know that my favorite books change...oh about every month or so ;)

Another disclaimer: I don't read very riveting books by any means. Reading is my escape, so I'm more of a brain candy book kinda girl ;) So lots of mushy love, dreadful heartbreak, & audacious backstabbing. You know...the good stuff. Oh, and I'm a big advocate of reading the book before seeing the movie. That way your imagination doesn't get interrupted! 

Currently Reading:

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
(Book 2 of The Hunger Games Trilogy)

Seriously such a fantastic series. I thought the covers looked stupid, so I neglected reading them until last week. So that saying we learned as children, "Don't judge a book by its cover,"... noted.



Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen

Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

Any book by Sophie Kinsella 

Any book by Emily Giffin

And this last series is near and dear to my heart. I realize that some of you may hate me for this, but that's okay :) I've been reading these books since I was 16, so I have no shame! The books are so much better than the movies - it's absurd. (Side note: Team Edward in case you were dying to know ;))

The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer

To Read:

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

Millennium Trilogy Series #1 by Stieg Larsson
If you want to know the specifics about any of the ones I've read, feel free to ask.
Do you have any others that I just absolutely have to add to my "To Read" list?
And do you still love me even though I'm a twilight fan? ;)

Is anyone else pumped for this?!

P.S. I just want to say that the "Girl Behind the Blog" blog link up yesterday was TOO much fun...I loved it! Thank you to everyone who watched my first vlog. I spent about 2 and a half hours responding to everyone's comments, and I am wiped out...but it was so worth it. You guys are more than awesome. Your encouraging words bring a smile to my face for sure! 

Don't forget about Smell the Roses this week!
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