
Jealous of Awesome Outfit Posts?

Yeah, me too!

That's one down side to living by myself and 40 minutes away from my boyfriend/friends/family - I have no one to take pictures of my cute outfits...sad! I mean I guess I could ask my neighbors, but I feel like that would be a little awkward. Okay, a lot awkward since I know none of my neighbors.

I could always do the mirror pic technique like so:

But that just feels so...MySpace or something.
Not my style. I always end up having to turn my head awkwardly to fit it in the picture (see the second and the third pictures). You can't see my shoes unless I cut off my head (see the first picture). And you definitely can't see my accessories.

 Besides living by myself, I'm also lacking in the fancy camera/tripod department.
That means I take all of my blog photos with...you guessed it, my iPhone!

So no tripod to take outfit pictures
no one to take them for me.

What's a girl to do?
Improvise of course :)

Headband: ElisabethAshlie
Belt/Cardigan: Target
Dress: Urban Outfitters
Shoes: DSW
Earrings: Forever 21

Necklace/shoes: Target
Jeans: American Eagle
Bracelet: Charlotte Russe 
Nail color: Megan by Zoya

These are my "I live by myself, and I don't have a fancy camera/tripod" outfit pictures.
Ideally, I'd have beautiful full body shots of my outfits. Shots where I'm standing outside in front a vintage-y brick wall, with just the right amount of sunshine, and maybe even a slight breeze blowing my hair off of my face. But, this is what I have to work with. 

So I'll keep posting my little outfit collages and continue lusting over all of you lovely ladies who are lucky enough to have a special someone living with you to snap pictures of your blog worthy outfits ;)

P.S. I started the Smell the Roses task yesterday & I think this is my favorite one so far!
I can't wait to show you guys where all I left little encouraging notes for strangers to find :)
I really can't wait for you guys to link up with me on Monday. I made a new button and everything!

P.S.S (or is it P.P.S?) either way, Aimee from Aspire to Inspire was kind enough to feature mine & Adam's story on her blog today :) Go check it out!


  1. So funny...your pics are still cute! I feel exactly the same way though, saving for a camera so the iphone will have to work for now!

  2. You're quite the resourceful dame, Jessica! Lovely outfits, fancy camera or not. Keep 'em coming!

  3. Oh girl- I know how you feel. I just started asking my husband to take pictures of me and it's so awkward trying to pose in front of him without feeling stupid- I actually feel better doing self portraits! I think those angles are way more interesting anyway, and I love the shots you took- you don't need no man to take yo pic-cha! haha

  4. First of all, I love your new button for Smell the Roses! Super cute, just my style.

    Second, my hubs looks at me like I'm on drugs when I ask him to take some cute pics for me to post. He ends up taking HORRIBLE ones therefore I'm in the same pickle as you! ;)


  5. i LOVE both those outfits! i'm jealous you live somewhere with weather nice enough to wear that, haha

  6. TOO CUTE! Even if you did have to take them yourself ;)

  7. I love how you showed your outfit!!! :) Such a cute idea! I love your dress belted with that sweater! Why are you so cute?! :)

  8. i face the same problems as you! i wish i could take fun outfit posts but it just doesn't work out. I think an tripod for the iPhone should be made, along with a self timer.

  9. I actually love how you did your outfit photos, I think it's cool how they show all the little details. :)

    Just dropping by from #FF.

  10. Confession: I may have had some of my students take pictures of my outfits before... Girl I totally understand!
    I really like the way you focused on each part of the outfit and put them together in that little collage! Superrrr cute.

    AND I do better see boots being all up on cool trends on week with out words :)


  11. Love it! The dress, the sweater, the belt! I'm soo going shopping this weekend now and totally blaming it on you haha :)

  12. adorable! I LOVE those wedges too! And you should get a tripod - it makes everything easier and then I don't have to be embarrassed by having someone take my picture. : )

  13. Oh lala love your outfits! So pretty.

  14. Love the bracelet and the wedges!! So my style (:

  15. You totally work it out! Your instagram pics work great! Ha ha "it's so myspace" - it's kind of true, myspace has developed the art of the cell phone mirror photos : )



  16. Cute outfit! Even after the photography problems. :) Loving the earrings!

  17. The mirror pictures are cute - I so remember the MySpace days and having turn my head and body and hold the camera up high just to get the perfect mirror picture. Too much work! I like the idea you came up with to show your outfits!

  18. Love your outfits lady and you are a darn good self photographer. I am much worse and even my hubby is no better!! ha

  19. You are TOO cute :)

  20. I like your improvising! It's hard to get good pictures even if you do have a tripod and camera setup. I have bad lighting in my house apparently, haha. LOVE that dress, btw!

  21. I want warm weather! Dresses, rolled up jeans, short sleeves. Check out the bottom of my post today. Ugh! Totally jinxed myself last Friday.
    Very cute and great problem solving skills!


  22. I have ALWAYS wondered who takes all these great fashion photos for bloggers!! I mean, even if I asked my boyfriend (who lives an hour away) to snap a photo or two, I doubt they would come out the way I would want them to!! :) Great idea, I may have to do a cute outfit post someday soon!

  23. I was at Target yesterday, bought that same cardigan to wear with a dress I also bought from Target yesterday!

    the outfits are really cute you put together, and the pictures are great! :)

  24. Love your style Jessica! Can I rent you out to come take me shopping in Kentucky? LOL!
    I'm so jealous of all the DSLR camera pics too!


  25. Ohhhh that top outfit is ADORABLE! Work it girl!

  26. I love the photo collages! And trust me on this, if I asked my hubz to snap a pic of my outfit, he'd be like "huh?!?"

    I love the striped LOFT shirt & those wedge booties from Tar-jay. My kinda outfit! ;)

    Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  27. LOVE THIS! those booties are to die for!

  28. hahah I can so relate to the photo of self difficulties! Usually I rope my kids into taking some pics of me! I love love love your first outfit. I love them all! But the first one is adorable!!

  29. you are so cute! and I feel like ALL bloggers feel like this. I do!!! Its awkward you gotta find that one person who you feel comfortable with being like, Take my picture of how cute I look!! haha!!!

  30. love, love, love the outfits today! the dress & belt is my fav. :-)

  31. Lovin that dress girl! So springy :) Lovin your blog too, look forward to keepin up with you.

    xo Shane

  32. first of... your grey wedges... adorrrable!! It have the same in black! And they are super duper commfy ;)

    I love this post... I was trying yesterday morning to take a picture of my ENTIRE outfit, but couldn't do it without cutting off my head or shoes (which are my fav)... love to see you improvised and still showed off your entire cute fit!!

  33. Umm... seriously? You are GORGEOUS!
    And that first outfit? I WANT! Totally has me thinking spring/summer. I can't wait until it warms up!

  34. Love the way you put everything together! Could you be any cuter!??! Love the outfit!! I don't even do outfits of the day...I am behind on times. I still don't even have a blog button! LOL ah! Adorable though of you!!

  35. Love your little snaps of the details! This is awesome :)

  36. LOL! That was just awesome. The outfit ,your efforts and everything! :)

  37. i LIKE the collages! :) and I'm digging the pink cardigan. I'm so ready for spring to come.


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