
Blog Vomit: Volume II

I'm working on putting together lots of fun posts, but none of them are 100% ready to post just yet. So today y'all are getting a little something I like to call "Blog Vomit." You can read volume I here.

- I finished putting together my desk area. I love it y'all! It's super cute AND super functional. Win. This also means that I can get going with my Apartment Tour Series. Yay! Here's a little preview of my new work space.

- I've been hooked on the TV show Once Upon A Time lately. I'm not a huge TV buff, but this show has captured my attention. I have to peel myself off of the couch or I could sit and catch up on every episode I'm behind on all at once. Like yesterday, I had to force myself to stop watching to go get a pedicure. It's a hard life I lead, I know...

- Speaking of pedicures, is it just me or does getting a pedi make you feel like a whole new woman? That and getting your eyebrows done. Good toenails & eyebrows just make all the difference. It's like magic. Glorious, womanly magic.

- I learned how to mirror pictures using the PicFrame app. I've been entertaining myself a lot with it lately. See below for evidence. That's me pretending to be Katniss with my brother's new bow...yeah, I need out get out more.

- Speaking of Katniss, I just bought The Hunger Games DVD. I need to watch it. And Breaking Dawn Part 2 comes out on DVD in a few days. Is it pathetic that this kind of makes me a little depressed? I'm in denial that Twilight is over. I've been reading the series since I was 16, so I'm semi-attached. Don't judge me. 

- I'm also into Lauren Oliver's Delirium Series. The third (and final) book, Requiem, comes out March 5th. I can't wait! I need to reread the first two before I read it though.

- The weather has been gorgeous this past week in the Sunshine State! I'm trying to soak it all in before it gets unbearably hot this summer. I spent Friday laying by my parent's pool, drinking cheap wine & letting Buck run around their backyard. A day off well spent! Side note: I have an absurd amount of pictures of Buck on my phone already. #crazydoglady 

- Resume building is my worst enemy. I thought it would be easy to tweak my resume, but the more I look at it, the more I feel like I need to start from scratch. Good thing my blog BFF agreed to proofread it for me. Seriously, if you don't have a blog bestie, you really need to get on that. 

- I'm guest posting over at Happy Go Lucky today! I'm sharing my favorite finds for $10 or less. Y'all need to go check it out...these products are unbelievable. 

- Friday night was spent hanging out on the lawn, drinking beer, and watching Zac Brown Band with Adam. It was such a blast. It just got us that much more excited about the Mega Ticket concerts this summer...8 concerts in a span of 5 months. Can you say best summer ever?

- And I leave you with this, because it's Monday and we all need a laugh, right? Right.

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