

Hello, hello :)

I am SO incredibly glad to see Friday. This week has been a tough one for me.
Nothing bad has happened, but I just feel like I haven't had time to breathe. Burnt out!
Always on the go, go, go. But today I will be refueling by doing a big workout,
doing my Smell the Roses task for the week & maybe even laying out. It's gonna be

Moving right along...
Friday means linking up with Lauren to share my top 5 favorite things of the week.
So I'm gonna do just that!



THE COLOR RUN! A new run location opened up...in TAMPA! I let out a little
squeal when I found out. I've already registered and created a team...let's go team #ColorRevolt!
Can't wait to do this in December with a few friends :)


I have been on the hunt for the perfect white dress. Not too casual but not too dressy.
I finally found one! Thank you Forever 21! As soon as it arrives in the mail, I'm going to
wash it (yes, I wash all of my new clothes before I wear them) & then hopefully do an
outfit post wearing it :)


This little nugget. She has been extra cuddly this week AND she's even been sleeping
in and not waking me up at 6 AM! 

That is her "Please stop singing right now" face. And no, I did not stop singing ;)


Adam is trying his very hardest to live a healthier lifestyle...eating better and working out!
I'm SO proud of him :) One day this week he went to Whole Foods (oh how I love that place),
bought us both lunch & then brought it to the office to eat with me. HE IS TOO GOOD TO ME!


OBVIOUSLY my new blog design is a highlight of my week! I am obsessed.
Like sit and stare at it for 5 minutes straight without blinking obsessed. I have no shame :)

Enjoy your weekend, sweets! And don't forget to tell your mom (and grandma!) how much
you love & appreciate her :)

This is to you Toy! I love you and appreciate you so much :) I don't know where I would
be without you. Thank you for being the best grandma in the entire world. Yes, the entire world.
I look up to you and hope that my heart will be as big as yours someday! Love you forever!


  1. I love the new blog design! Its so clean and cute. Also your cat is adorable!!

  2. I have already shared how much I love your new design but I'll say it again! Love love love it!

    That's awesome that the color run is coming to Tampa! I wonder if there is one closer to Gainesville??

    Happy Friday, girl! Get some rest this weekend!


  3. Obvi love the new design

    One time Reese asked me why I wanted to do the color run if I hate running so much..my answer "cool pictures...DUH" ...welcome to my life

    How sweet of Adam!! Yay for sweet BF's

    Happy mothers day to the crazy Toy!

    Xo happy fridayyyyyyyy

  4. I absolutely love Whole Foods! I just get so happy when I walk in there, which may or may not be weird!

    Your kitty is so adorable! I sing to mine all the time and he gives me the same look! :)


  5. that lunch looks delicious!! and i'm excited to see your new white dress. have a great weekend!!

  6. Ga! I want to do the color run so bad! *jealous*

    Also- new layout- fabulous!! Dana did an awesome job. :))

  7. Agree, your new blog design IS awesome! I totally want to do that 5K color run near me, looks like so much fun!

    Happy Friday xo

  8. yes you will love the color run!! it is a blast

  9. ...

    Why are you looking for the perfect white dress?



    Love you!

  10. I've also been wanting a white dRess. Maybe I should check out forever 21. Can't wait to see yours. You are going to love the color run! Can't wait for ours in September. Team new girls!

  11. I MUST sign up for that color run. I'm less than 2 hrs from Tampa so I really have no excuse. It looks like a blast!! :)

  12. YAY for the color run! Too bad I live so far away and can't do it with you, oh wells! Glad Adam is jumping on the healthy band wagon. M cooked me a very romantic, but not so healthy meal last night, but it tasted like heaven :)

  13. LOVING your new blog design!! so so cute :) your kitty is hilarious! BIG eyes! goodjob keeping the singing going :) and your boy is awesome! love those sweet lil surprises that brighten your day! :)
    Hope you're having a wonderful Friday!! :)

  14. the color run sounds like fun.

  15. I REALLY do love your blog's new look :)

  16. oh of course they add tampa when i don't live there anymore! Gah! lol

    Whole foods is sooooo good! I wished I lived closer to one, but maybe soon!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  17. Yay on everything! Boots is sooo cute :) I love it when they are cuddly <3

    Have a great weekend girl :)

    <3 Jamie

  18. I think we are all burned out! I know I need to rest like crazy. Enjoy your Mama's Day. I am doing a color run this summer and I am SO excited about i!

  19. I am LOVING your new blog design, too :) It's so pretty and clean. Love!

    And how sweet of your guy to bring you Whole Foods lunch - that place is my fav.

    Have a fun workout, sweetie!

  20. I am doing the Color Run in Kansas City at the end of June. I'm super excited for it. It will be my second race ever. Awesome that you are doing it too!

  21. I like the new design!! It's so fresh and open...PS. If he brings you Whole Foods for lunch, he is a KEEPER! So cute!

  22. Hey Jess! Hope you rested up over the weekend and are feeling recharged. :) LOVE the new look of the blog!!

    The Color Runs are showing up EVERYwhere! We're even having one here in Richmond in Virginia. It looks like SO much fun!

    Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  23. Oh yeaaaa!!! Color Run FUN!! I have to wait til August, but it's never too late to have some fun making a beautiful mess of colors!! Take pics!

    And GO Adam!! Eating healthier and making a trip to Wholefoods for the both of you! Brownie... oops I mean FRUIT points! lol

  24. I want to do a Color Run so badly! They only have one in Charlotte (2.5 hours away) and I'm bummed. I'm going to keep an eye out though!


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