
Friday Loving Like I Always Do

Friday, we meet again! I'm always happy to see you & I welcome you with open arms.
Today will be a super fantastic day. Wanna know why? Because I will be lounging poolside with my BFF :) OH YES. Whatever you're doing, I hope that you enjoy your day....and your weekend!

As always I'm linking up with the lovely Lauren for some High Five for Friday action. 


So let's get to it, shall we?! Here are the top 5 things from my week :)


Remember when the Smell the Roses task was to surprise someone just because? Well the Rays game that I bought Adam tickets for was Wednesday night. So fun...I love going to baseball games! AND the Rays beat Boston....whoop! I even bought us Rays hats...mine has cute little rhinestones & everything.


Don't you just love when your quiet time hits home? This one went straight to my heart!
The first paragraph about how life isn't supposed to complicated/stressful really stood out to me.
God's pretty incredible! Am I right or am I right?!


I got the 50th (and last) spot for the first month of Just Lovely Thing's new LOVE CLUB! I am so stoked about it! It's sort of like a Birchbox type thing but instead of just beauty products, it includes accessories as well...SO up my alley! I recently canceled my Birchbox subscription so I'm hoping that this will fill that void ;)


This week was a great mail week. I love getting snail mail, and I got a lot of it this week :)
Lindsay, my blog big sister, sent me the sweetest card with a note about me graduating. I just love her. She really has a heart of gold, and if you've never read her blog...you're really missing out!

And my friend, Kelsey sent me the card with all of the old ladies in swimsuits in an envelope that read "Blogging Queen of the Universe." She always knows what I need to read to put a smile on my face.
I'm so blessed to have such encouraging friends!

And along with that snail mail, I got a good email from my blog best friend, Meg, this week :) I just love talking to her. Is it weird that even though I've only emailed her/tweeted her that I feel like I've known her for years?! No? Not weird? Good I didn't think so either ;) Love you, Meg! 


I ordered a package from one of my favorite Etsy shops (The Lovely Lemon) last week, and the package came over the weekend :) I ordered the ivory colored dreamcatcher necklace & the crochet cup sleeve. And because she is so awesome, she sent me the yellow dreamcatcher necklace as a surprise! 

Sara is one of the most creative people that I know! Yes...I know her in real life and she is amazing. So you should totally go visit her blog. And guess what...she's sponsoring LLT next month, so you'll be getting to know all about her. GET EXCITED!


Do you want to sponsor Lovely Little Things in June?!
Spots are filling up fast, so if you're interested just shoot me an email & we'll figure something out :)

P.S. I'm guest posting over at The Thing About Joy today!



  1. looks like a wonderful week! Have a great weekend lady!


  2. love that first paragraph too - what is the reading from? And I can't wait for you to share what you get from the love club! I want to join!!

  3. Those dreamcatcher earrings are SO cute and creative! Love them :)

  4. Look how cute you are in that Rays jersey! Love me some baseball! And that devotional was just what I needed to hear...thank you for posting that! I can't wait to hear what you think about Love Club...give us a review! And those earrings are SUPER precious! Hope you have a lovely weekend, dear!

  5. I am so so jealous of your week! I've spent the whole week pinned to the sewing machine, quite literally. And now fun and to top it off..its raining! Boo hiss boo!
    You lucky girl :)

    Jess xox

  6. I love getting cards just cause!! I got one myself this week just to keep me going with the big D and it made my week! Love the simplicity of the "dare to be remarkable" card.. says a lot!

    And you guys look like you had a blast at the Rays game!! Of course the white skinnies are stylish too! Gotta look your best.. baseball game or dinner!

  7. Cute sandals!! Love the nail polish!

  8. You got mail from me this week too! Isn't mail great!!
    Hoping to hear more about The Love Club in future posts!!
    Happy Friday!!

  9. I love that crochet cup sleeve! Super fun and cute! I love snail mail too! I think I have forgotten how fun it is to open up the mail box and see a personalized letter! Happy Friday!

  10. yay!! Posh is going to be in the love club so you will be getting more love from posh! :-)

    have a great weekend!

  11. Oh wow #2! Funny when it hits home just at the right time isn't it. I too could listen to those words and take a thing or two to heart!
    happy friday!

  12. That is DEFINITELY a great week! I'm so glad my card was a little bright spot for you this week! I love you so much, Jess! Enjoy the pool today, and have a splendid weekend, my dear!

  13. oh my gosh, girl, we are so similar! i read the SAME devotional this week - i love that one. that app is the best. and i went to a durham bulls / paw sox game last night (which is the minor league teams for the rays and sox!) love it! but seriously i love this post :)

  14. The Joyce Meyer reading, is that an app?

    Have a great weekend!

  15. Happiest of Fridays to you and have a fantastic weekend!

  16. YAY! So glad you had a great week! I obviously did too but you'll get to hear all about it starting on Monday! :) Hope you have a great weekend girlie! :)

  17. seriously... could you be any cuter! I would actually like baseball if I went with you!!!

    ummmm devo... BAHAHAHA isnt God just really super great!

    OHHH i wanna hear a review on the Love Club thing!!

    XO love love loveeeeee.
    Emailing you back soooon!

  18. Needed to read that little reminder!! Glad you and Adam enjoyed the game :) Miss ya pretty!!

  19. Thanks for the shout out sweet friend! I have been learning a lot about dealing with stress this week so this devotional really hits home!. Thanks for posting! :)

  20. Happy Friday, Sweetie!!! :)

    lists make me super happy (as i know they do for you as well) so here goes-

    1. i LOVE your nail polish in Rays colors - super duper CUTE! and i also love that the hat you got has a lil bling ;) 'cause a girl can't have enough bling.

    2. what a great word of wisdom from miss joyce meyer- LOVE HER!!! :)

    3.love snail mail :) i got some blog friend snail mail love this week and it was seriously my week's highlight. i love that your friend called you "blogging queen of the universe" ;) so cute!

    4. the lovely lemon looks amaze! and i can't wait to check out her stuff - so many creative gals out there.

    5. this summer, i'd love to interview you on my little blog about fitness advice ;) will shoot ya an email.

    xoxo & hugs!


  21. Love those words from Joyce Meyer...so true!! Looks like you had fun at the game! Happy weekend.

  22. You are adorbs as always!! Happy weekend, lovely :)

  23. That Love Club sounds super fun! I haven't seen that before...Have a great weekend!

  24. Love Joyce Meyer! Have an awesome weekend :)

  25. Hello from a new follower :) Found ya through Michelle, The Vintage Apple.

    Loved this post (except for the fact that TB beat MY beloved red sox! haha)

  26. What a fun post! I especially love the quote... I needed that. That dream catcher jewelry is fantastic!

  27. So jealous you got the last spot for the love club! I was too late. I just became a new follower of your lovely blog : )

  28. you have cute feet (:

    and, i love the lovely lemon. cutest stuff!


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