
High Five for Friday!

As always, linking up with the lovely Lauren at From My Grey Desk
for some High Five for Friday fun :) Let's roll...

My 5 favorite things this week:

I won my first blog giveaway...holla! Thanks Valerie :)
I won this sweet scarf from Urban!

I (finally) got social media buttons made! They are so, so cute,
and now I feel like my blog is complete..for now ;) Go check them out!

I had a much needed dinner with my best friend on Wednesday night.
But I'm a horrible blogger & totally forgot to take pictures. Guess we
were having SO much fun that it just slipped my mind ;) She did take one picture from
the night though:

Yes, that is my kitten with her ENTIRE head in a glass of water.

I got my Valentine's Day craft on! Made 2 cute projects that I'm gonna
share with you guys when I do my "What I Did for Valentine's Day" post in a few weeks!
Note to self: Don't forget to actually do that post...

Toms' flats are finally here! Sadly, they're a little bit out of my price range right now.
But they're still super cute! Here are the ones I'm currently lusting over:

Head on over to Lauren's blog & link up so I can see all of 
your awesome-ness from this week :)

And don't forget about the February Photo a Day challenge!
Follow me on Instagram to see my pictures :)
(You can use my nifty Instagram social media button on my sidebar to find me)

Have a happy, happy weekend lovelies!
I hope you guys find some time to stop and Smell the Roses this weekend, too!

If anyone knows of a good shop to buy a tote for school -
let me know! I spilled water all inside my school bag this
week and it's ruined...which puts me in the market for a new one :)


  1. I saw someone wearing that scarf today. It's adorable. And I thought the same thing about the price point of TOMS' ballet flats. Bummer!

    Cute blog, by the way.

    Catherine (new reader)
    FEST (a new blog about food, style & travel)

  2. Congrats on winning the giveaway! :)
    Your cat is too cute! I wish I could afford Toms shoes! :)

    I would love if you linked this up to my Friday Favorites link party!


  3. Yay for winning a giveaway! That scarf is so cute....as are those Toms! Love your new buttons!

  4. Isn't it fun to win giveaways? And you won such a cute one too!

  5. Oh my word...I would love that exact pair of Toms. What is the price? And CONGRATS on your win! Rebecca~

  6. I'm majorly loving on your kitten and the buttons. Just thought you should know. :-)

  7. Those shoes are on my wish list too!

  8. yea for winning a giveaway! that scarf is sweet! have a great weekend!

  9. I am wearing TOMS today, sadly not the flats though. I went a little TOMS crazy last year and bought 8 pairs, so I banned myself for a while lol. Love your H54F!

    Happy Friday and I cannot wait to see your V-Day projects!

    Melissa from Grin and Barrett Blog

  10. Cute scarf! Your kitten is adorable! And yes, the new Toms are awesome. Good stuff!



  11. Love those Toms!! Soo cute. The picture of your cat is too funny!

  12. I'll have to keep this in mind for next week. Love the scarf so happy for you! I'm so sad about the flats. I wish I could afford them too!

  13. I love the button with you picture and the pink and gray bubble! Suoer cute :)

  14. Love the picture of Boots, so cute! I actually like those Toms flats.

    Happy Friday!

  15. Seriously, I am dying over that cat picture. Especially since my cat is at this moment dipping his paw into my tea.

    Gotta love their curiosity!

  16. Great scarf win! That kitty photo is too cute! :) Those Toms flat are super cute but pricey for sure.

  17. You're social media buttons are so cute! Love those Toms flats. Adorable. Hope you have a good weekend :)

  18. Dying for a pair for some TOMS ballet flats!

    & that scarf is going to look great on you! Let me know when it comes in!

  19. That picture of your kitten is too darn cute! I can't believe it fit it's whole head in there.

  20. Um, thirsty cat! And I agree, Toms flats? WTH? $80?? No thanks. Also, I might steal that scarf from you!

  21. Love those flats! I blogged about them today too. And how amazing is tht scarf! Happy Friday! Xoxo

  22. Congrats on the giveaway! I swear I spend half the time I am in school entering giveaways and checking blogs!

    Love the toms, I have a pair of normal ones, wonder how the flats would look on?

    xoxo Meghan(:

  23. The picture of your kitten is WAY too cute!! Dumb question but keep in mind I'm new around here - where did you get your buttons made? Thanks :)

  24. love the toms flats! so cute! have a good weekend!

    with love,

  25. Big Congrats!! Love that scarf, too! I've been seeing them float around on people's blogs. May need to invest into one! Love all the pics of your kitty btw...never fail to make me laugh :) And for totes...I love Vera Bradley, but they can be a bit pricey. Hope you have a great wknd! Xo

  26. I love those Toms flats!!! They may have to be my birthday present to myself this month!

    And I love that you are handmaking your Valentines this year - I am planning on doing the same :)

  27. Love your blog! Following via Follow Friday!

  28. P.S. Those exact TOMS are on my wishlist as well. Waiting for birthday money, I suppose.

  29. I heart Toms flats!!!!! Can't leave the classics hanging though :)

  30. ummm I second this entire post?!?!?

    a. cant wait to see your crafts
    b. umm yeah i was SUPER disappointed with the price of the toms flats… hellllloooo target.

    happpppyyy weeeekeeeennnnddd


  31. awesome what a sweet win!! and i agree on the tom flats why do they have to be so expensive?? i cant justify paying for a pair of shoes with that price tag

  32. this is such a cute post - and your cat is HILARIOUS.


  33. The cat picture is so freaking funny! Thanks for giving me a good laugh (:

    Leigh Anne

  34. My cats do the same thing, so silly. I need to catch them doing it one day!

    I definitely need to get a pair of flats. I still haven't tried them yet and they keep looking cuter and cuter!

  35. You kitten is sooooo cute! Oh my gosh!!!!

  36. congrats on your win! and your kitty is just precious!

  37. where did you get your blog buttons made? i've been wanting to get a few done for my blog! they're so cute!


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