
Sponsor Lovin

It's February so you know what that means - new sponsors :)
So excited to have all of them! They're awesome. Really.

Here are a few:
First is Meg from Sweetly Complicated!
[side note: Meg is my blog BFF...just saying ;)]

"Hey y'all I'm Meg. I am a Texas girl with a passion for life as big as my state! Here at Sweetly Complicated I blog about teacher stuff, food, crafts, display my photography and how the Lord uses it all! I have loved every moment of blogging and am blessed to have met and read about so many peoples everyday adventures. I love the stories of encouragement, strength, love, food, fashion, courage, brokenness and gettin all crafty! Come over join the party!"

Next up is Lindsay from Every Day Life!

"Hey guys I'm Lindsay from Every Day Life! I'm a college student studying Mass Communications with a heart for the Lord. I'm into everything I can possibly be in and I stay active and busy all the time. I had a beautiful family and fabulous friends. God has placed so many blessings in my life and I thank Him daily for all this He is doing for me and will continue to do. I love life and remember that each day that I have I can never get back so I better take all the chances and opportunities that I have.
Every Day Life is a place for me to share my thoughts, ideas, and sometimes craziness! I post about DIY craft projects, makeup, fashion, clothes, hair, and everything that could possibly be in between. I like to keep it fresh and new and down to earth. I love sharing my ideas with others and hearing about theirs as well. Every Day Life would love to have you come over and take a peek, even become a follower if you're up to it :) I promise you won't be disapointed!"

 Kimberly from Diary of a Brown Eyed Girl!

"Hello Bloggers! My name is Kimberly and I am so excited to be featured on Jessica's lovely blog today!
 I blog over at Diary of a Brown Eyed girl.

 I am...
Caring. Loving. Fun. Outgoing. Silly. Positive. A sister. A wife. A daughter. Chatty Cathy. A violinist. Creative. Confident. A child of God. A saver. A blogging freak. A Mormon. Excited about the future. Living and loving life!!!

My blog focuses on a few of my passions which are crafting, my faith, fashion, charity/service, and everyday life lessons. I would have to say the main focus of my blog is to raise money to donate to Make a Wish Foundation. Every product that is purchased, a small portion will be donated.

I have only been a "blogger" for a little  over a month now and I love it. I love being able to interact and communicate with so many wonderful people and share my thoughts and beliefs. I have always had a really strong desire to help others. It bring me happiness and makes my heart smile. I prayed alot asking God to show me ways that I could help others and share with them the peace and happiness that I feel through Jesus Christ.

I was baptized two years ago and belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This experience was a life changing moment for me. Having a relationship with my Heavenly Father has blessed my life in so many ways. My faith is the foundation of my life. It brings me peace and true happiness and gets me through each and every day."

 And last but definitely not least, is Kathleen from Places I Will Go!
[She was awesome enough to clue me in on a Central Florida blogger meet up!]

"Hi new friends! I'm Kathleen, a 20-something, life loving Texan, living out my dreams in Florida.  I love to read, explore new places, meet new people, and occasionally try my hand at a little DIYing every now and then.  My blog follows me as I explore all the Places I Will Go.  You'll get to experience the good, the bad, and even sometimes the ugly of my crazy little life!  Stop by and say HI! :)"

They're wonderful & super cute - go say hello, and tell them I sent you :) 
And have a super relaxing, Saturday!

PS - I'll be posting my first vlog on Monday...ah!
I'm linking up with Erin from Captivated by Grace for this.
Please go link up so I'm not a lonely, awkward vlogger ;)



  1. What cute sponsors! I'm now following all of them! haha Have a great Saturday, Jessica :)

  2. Love! I'll have to go check out these lovely girls! I'm already following a couple of them :)

    Hope you're having an amazing weekend!


  3. A great round of sponsors! And I can't wait to see your vlog on Monday!

  4. So fun! Cant wait to check these girls out :)

  5. Blog Bffs for LIFE.

    awkward vlogs unite


  6. YAY! Thanks Jessica! Can't wait to meet you in real life! :)

  7. Love. I am about to go check out those girlys blog in a second. I am a new follower of yours can't wait to read more! check out my blog and if you like follow back.& enter my giveaway!


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SO THANK YOU for being wonderful!

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