
Tatted Up!

Okay, I promise that this will be my last time posting twice in one day.
At least for a little while. I just can't wait to do all of these tags & awards so I like to do them as they come!

I have been getting a few emails asking about my tattoo, SO I wanted to share it with you guys the best I could :)

It took me a few years to get it to where it is now (tattoos are NOT cheap, let me tell you), but I absolutely adore it and have zero regret :) In case you can't tell from the pictures, it starts on my upper right thigh and wraps up to my back. It's five shots of a single butterfly in flight. The verse that is in script near the top butterfly is 2 Corinthians 5:17, which reads [ESV], "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." 

When I was 18, I was at a youth camp and that was the first time that I heard God speak to me. Not in a creepy way, but in an intimate, I am His & He is mine kind of way. It's nice to always have this tattoo as a reminder :) I really hope that these pictures aren't too risqué for any of you ;) sorry if they are! And if you have any questions about my tattoo, feel free to comment or email!

There's a couple more pictures that aren't as nice so you can get the gist of the placement. It's hard to tell in the first pictures.


Meg over at Sweetly Complicated nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award!
Can I just tell you that she is a doll, and I absolutely love the fact that we talk on an almost daily basis?! Her blog is super cute & one of my daily reads! PLUS, she just won a new blog makeover so you definitely need to go check that out when it's all up and running.

This award is for bloggers who have less than 200 followers and are newer to the world of blogging and have a FANTABULOUS blog that needs a little noticing!!

Here is how to participate in this nomination/award giving fun!

1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog
2. Link back to the blogger who awarded/nominated you
3. Copy and paste the blog award to your blog 
4. Reveal your top 5 blog picks!!
5. Drop by your top 5 picks and let them know you chose them by commenting on their blog!

My 5 nominees are...

Go check them out & show some love :)
They're great!

Thanks again, Meg - you're fabulous!

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