Hi lovelies :)
Today seemed like a good day to tie up some loose ends, post some awards that my wonderful blog friends have nominated me for, & thank my readers!
So let's get started, yeah?!
First of all, I wanted to say HI to all of my new readers! I am honored that 179 people care enough about what I have to say to follow my blog. Bless your souls, ladies (and gentlemen?..no? just in case)! I never in a million years would have thought that I'd get that many readers, especially since I just started blogging in late November. You guys are the best. Seriously! If you haven't said hello - shoot me an email or leave a comment and we'll chat it up :) Since I love you guys so much, I'm doing a sweet (I hope) giveaway! You owe it to yourself to enter, because you're just that awesome :)
Moving right along...
I was nominated by Holly from 8 six eleven for The Kreativ Blogger Award!
Holly's blog is one of my daily reads & she is one of the sweetest people ever.
Plus the pictures in her posts are always so good - your eyes will thank you for going to stalk her blog ;)
And Annelise from Aunie Sauce nominated me for The Versatile Blogger Award!
Annelise's blog is one of my all time favorites. She's sassy & fun and you definitely won't be bored reading her posts. Plus she's even more awesome because we're Twitter friends ;)
Man, I'm honored to have such good blog friends.
FORreal. :)
I'm supposed to post 7 random facts about myself for each of these, but I'm gonna go ahead and stick with 10 total so you guys aren't falling asleep by the end of the post. And I'm skipping the Kreativ Award additional questions since I did a post of random facts/questions last week. You're welcome ;)
one. My iPhone might as well be my right hand. Sad but true. I'm gonna be in trouble when I get an iPad.
two. I've never been on a plane or seen snow (okay when I was like 6 months old but who counts that?).
three. I am probably one of the most indecisive people that you'll ever meet.
four. I'm a homebody. Give me a bubble bath, good book, & a glass of wine and I'm set.
five. I'm quiet until I get to know someone. Then my sassy side makes its way out. Don't be alarmed. Sass = my expression of love ;)
six. I cannot under any circumstance go to sleep peacefully if everything from my to-do list of the day isn't crossed off. It's sickening!
seven. If I don't have some kind of polish on my toenails I freak out.
eight. Once I commit to something in my mind, I give my 100% and don't quit until I've completed whatever it is. My life will revolve around it until it's done.
nine. I put barbecue sauce on just about everything that I eat (within reason, people - nothing gross like BBQ ice cream....). I've done it since I was a little girl.
ten. I feel naked if I'm not wearing earrings. I have to have them on at all times.
I've already passed around a few awards myself, so I'll skip that part this time around.
But thank you ladies SO much - this was fun :)
You still have 4 days to link up for last week's Smell the Roses task (handwriting & sending a letter) before it's time to link up for this week's task (buying the person behind you a cup of coffee or lunch without them knowing it was you). Spread the love & go link up and meet some lovely other bloggers.
And I have a question for you lovely ladies...what are your thoughts on the BlogHer conference? I'm throwing the idea of going around in my head. Hmm.
PS - 1 day til Friday! I'll be 22 - WHAT?!