Hi friends! I hope you slayed this week and that you're looking forward to some R+R this weekend :) Last weekend I went to a bachelorette party at the beach and listen to this - I left my computer AND homework at home for 2 whole days. It was glorious. More than glorious. Which leads me straight into today's post:
Guys, this is so much more than a catchy little quote - it holds so much truth. Having the chance to step away from my usual go, go, go work/school-ruled life for a few days really helped ground my perspective about a few things.
I'm in a constant state of "what needs to be done/what can I start on next" - it's intense. I'm intense. Which isn't always a bad thing but it's not always a good thing either. Spending the weekend at the beach with a group of girls sans work/homework made me realize just how important it is to keep relationships a priority in life. Friendships, significant others, family members - ALL types of relationships. We weren't created to spend life alone working ourselves to misery. We were meant to do life with one another - to live in community and love with others.
Since starting back at school in August 2015, I've let so many friendships fall to the wayside because "I'm so busy." And I am. But that's not an excuse to put my life on hold or to be a slave to my to-do list.
Instead of doing 50 projects half-assed and not having time for friends and family, I want to start picking and choosing what I spend my time on, give it 100% and then still have time to invest in and nurture the relationships in my life.
So note to self: You can do anything but not everything. You're gonna have to start saying no to taking on new projects and possibly even say no to continuing with current projects. AND THAT'S OKAY.
xo, Jess
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