
My Obsession with My Morning Routine

Hello friends! How has your week been? Wonderful I hope! My husband and I were having a conversation about my morning routine the other day (lol - it's very important to me, okay) which got me thinking that sharing my morning routine might be a fun blog post (:

So to preface this - I wake up 1.5-2 hours earlier than I need to because I am that obsessed with easing into my morning and having adequate time to do all the things that I want to accomplish. I truly feel like doing all of these things in the morning really helps me set the tone for a good day. I despise feeling rushed in the morning so it's worth it to me to wake up extra early.

My alarm goes off and the first thing I do is (well after peeing and taking the pups out, ha) hit the kitchen to make my (first) cup of coffee. I know this is silly, but I really look forward to picking out which coffee mug I'm going to use each day - I have quite the collection!

I take my coffee and head into my office, open the window, and sit down in my favorite little cozy corner and write in my gratitude journal. It's just a blank journal with lined pages  - I write the date and time at the top of the page and then go on to list a few things I'm grateful for.

Once I wrap up writing my gratitude list, I grab my devotion + current book I'm reading and spend 15-20 minutes soaking in words of wisdom. I'm currently reading Uninvited by Lysa TerKeurst and my devotion is called Flourish by Margaret Feinberg.

Pictured here is Uninvited.

After I finish up with my reading, I set everything aside and spend a few minutes in prayer and meditation. I have a whole post that talks about how I do this - you can read that here if you're interested.

Once I'm finished with that I move into practicing my hand lettering. I spend about 15-20 minutes doing this. I know that once I leave for school/get started with work for the day, that I won't have time to practice. It's really important to me to improve and progress in my lettering so I make time to do it in the morning. Incorporating lettering into my morning is awesome, because it gets my creative juices flowing. Creativity is something that makes my heart super happy so I love starting my day with it!

After I wrap up my lettering, I head back into the kitchen to cook breakfast. I'm not a smoothie out the door kind of breakfast person. I enjoy cooking a big breakfast and sitting down to enjoy it. I usually make a bacon, egg, cheese, and avocado sandwich - so yummy! I clean up the kitchen after I eat and then head to get ready and tackle the rest of my day.

Notice that my morning routine does not involve a lot of social media - I like to save social media for after my morning routine if possible. Although sometimes I'll answer a few works/school emails before settling into my normal regime.

Also notice that my morning routine does not really involve my husband, haha! We are quite different in this aspect - Adam is more of a sleep until 5 minutes before he leaves kind of guy. He is able to get up and be out the door in 10-15 minutes...not joking. 

What do your mornings look like? I'm obsessed with hearing about morning routines!
xo, Jess


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