
Learning to Rest

Hi friends! Spring Break has officially come and gone and I have to say, my heart + soul are so full from it! I really took some time to rest and recharge last week and MAN did it feel good. I feel ready to take on the last half of this semester and finish strong! 

Rest is something that I used to view as "weak" - something that lazy people did. I had the mentality of go, go, go until you can't go anymore. I filled my plate with more than I could handle, but I made it a personal challenge to get it all done no matter the toll it took on me.

What an unhealthy mindset to have.

I'm learning that rest isn't a luxury. It isn't something that lazy people do. It's smart and it is a necessity. Rest for your body. Rest for your mind. Rest for your soul. We need them all! 

Rest is defined as, "cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength."

In order to be my best self, I need time to recover regularly. It makes total sense, but for some reason I've always struggled with implementing it. I reached a breaking point this semester - I felt like my sanity had flown out the window and the rest of me was not too far behind it. I was in over my head with 5 classes, 2 jobs, maintaining a smoothly running household, etc. I wasn't making time to spend with my friends or to do the things that brought me joy. 

Fast forward to now - my work and schoolwork still get done, but I'm not trying to work weeks ahead so that I feel on top of everything. I'm getting things done in a timely manner and making it a priority to schedule in REST and relaxation. What a game changer, you guys. I'm so much more pleasant to be around (ask my husband, lol). I wake up excited again. I'm not a walking ball of tensed up stress. It's great! 

Here are some things I'm doing to assure that I am getting the rest that I need:
  • I have a "shut down" time every night. No work and/or homework is touched past 10 P.M.
  • I plan at least 2 fun things to do that are out of the house (I work from home) a week.
  • SAY NO. This one is tough but it has to be done. Every time you say YES to something you feel obligated to do, you're saying NO to something you want to do.
I know these things are simple (and likely common sense to most people) but they have truly made a difference in my life! What are some things that you do to make sure that you are getting proper rest? 

xo, Jess


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