A few months ago I found myself hoarded up in my office 99% of the time, slaving away on homework and work. I had to schedule every part of every day and I only "allowed" myself to do fun things if my work and homework were complete. That's NO way to live, people. Take it from me.
I would always tell myself, "This isn't how it will always be...it's just like this until I finish grad school." UMM that's 2 (possibly 3) years from now - NO. I want to love my life NOW. I don't want to dream about beach weekends, coffee dates, and creating lettering projects - I want to live those things!
Yes, you have to make sacrifices and bust your ass (sorry, Grandma) to get where you want to be sometimes, but that doesn't mean that you have to stop enjoying your life. You can do little things every day that make your life what you want it to be. Enjoy a glass of wine on your porch with a loved one, go on an unplanned dinner date with a girlfriend, drop work and take that sunset bike ride on the beach once in awhile.
For me, I would see people who spent their time biking in the sunshine, playing outside with their pups, chasing adventure. I wanted to be one of those people. Then I thought, wait...why can't I be? Yes, I'm a student and work two jobs but something's got to give. Life is too short to be chained to responsibility 24/7.
I know a lot of my posts lately kind of revolve around this type of thing, but I'm doing a lot of self-discovery and life rearranging right now. My husband and I spend so much time in the city - biking, trying new restaurants, playing frisbee in the park...and we thrive when we're there. So you know what we're doing? We're taking the steps to move. We're intentionally creating lives that we want to live! And you can do that, too.
You don't always have to make grand gestures and changes - sometimes making little tweaks can make all the difference.
So I challenge to reflect - are you creating a life that you want to live? If not, change something!
xo, Jess
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