
I Think I Forgot How To Read

When I was studying for my NASM-CPT exam, I had zero spare time to read for pleasure. It was weird, because I've always been an avid reader. I like to curl up on the couch with a hot cup of coffee & a good book. I love getting lost in the pages and experiencing what the characters are going through.

Well now that I'm done with studying, I'm trying to get back into reading a little bit more. Not that I have that much spare time with business planning and whatnot, but I've missed reading so I'm making time to get some good books in.

The problem is...I can't read just one at a time right now. I feel like I'm behind and having to catch up by reading multiple books at once. I know, I'm crazy.

Here's what I'm currently reading:

Requim by Lauren Oliver-
This is the third, and final, book of the Delirium series. It's the only fiction book I'm reading right now, which is unusual, because that's usually what I'm drawn to. Anyway, I just started getting into the story...basically love is considered a disease. A war is breaking out between the people who have been cured from the disease and the un-cureds. I think I'm just now getting to the climax, so I'll let y'all know how I like it once I finish! I loved the first two books in the series, so I hope this one doesn't disapoint.

Blog Inc. by Joy Deangdeelert Cho-
With the launch of Glisten in the very near future (eeeek!), I figured now was a good time to read this little gem and get all the knowledge I can about running a blog as a business. So far, so good! I love the interviews with real time bloggers...it gives me a look into their way of doing things. I'm very overwhelmed (but too excited to be worried) with starting my own business, so any knowledge from pros is welcomed!

The Eat-Clean Diet Recharged by Tosca Reno-
I've had a lot of you ask me what "eating clean" consists of. Well if you want an in-depth description, this is a book you'll want to read. I'm only on chapter 6 and I've already learned a ton about the eating clean lifestyle.

Beautiful Battlefields by Bo Stern-
I just started this one last night. I was bawling after the first chapter. This book came into my life at the perfect time (funny how God does that, huh?). I can't wait to get more into this one. These verses are on the cover, "We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame." -Romans 5:3-5. I won it in a giveaway on another blog and Brittany (who I won it from) even included a sweet note in the cover:

Are you reading anything good?

Oh and just because I can't resist, here is a picture of Buck :) I taught him how to "shake" ...he's so smart #crazydogmom? Him & Adam went with me for the first half of my jog yesterday (gotta love Sunday Runday).



  1. I'm reading the Delirium series right now, too! I'm in the middle of Pandemonium and it's fantastic. I really hope Fox picks it up as a TV show for the fall because I already love the cast! Have a great Monday!

    -Frances @ Keynotes

  2. Annnnnnnd when Cary-pril (crazy april... come to the blog tomorrow about that one) is over I will also pick up reading.

    Love ya

  3. Let me know what you think of beautiful battlefields. It sounds amazing!!

  4. Requiem sounds very interesting, and I feel like reading Beautiful Battlefields would be perfect for me to read right now too :) Enjoy!

    The Other Side of Gray

  5. I've had Blog, Inc. on my reading list for a while now. You'll have to let us know what you think!

  6. i want to read that blog book!

  7. I just read Beautiful Battlefields and had the opportunity to hear Bo speak... if you get the chance, take it! I love her sense of humor, wisdom and encouragement!!!!

    This book is worth every second you spend reading it!!!!


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