Why is it called the black hole you ask? Well there's a few reasons. First off you should know that I hate my couch. It's so small and honestly, not that comfortable. Yet I still find myself sleeping on it every other night. Enter: the nickname. I swear every time my butt lands on that couch, I'm done. I lose all sense of productivity. I get sucked into watching horrible TV shows (like Teen Mom 2 & Buckwild...darn you MTV and your trashy, yet enticing, shows) and then just end up passing out. By 11 PM. In my makeup. It's really a tragedy come 3 AM when I wake up with a permanent crick in my back and crusted mascara. But guess what? I just roll over and go right back to sleep...I don't even bother getting up and moving to my bed. I don't get it.
I always have good intentions. I bring my laptop over to the coffee table that's in front of the couch and plan to answer emails, prep blog posts or even browse Pinterest for inspiration. Sometimes I even bring my textbook over and attempt to study for my CPT exam that's coming up in March. Does any of that stuff ever get accomplished? Nope. I just end up getting sucked in by the black hole and doing absolutely nothing other than watch TV and fall asleep before most of your grandparents probably do. Guess I should keep my "productive activities" to be done at my desk. Whatever.
Oh, and this is the worst couch for cuddling. Actually, this couch doesn't really give you a choice but to cuddle with whoever you're on it with. But not cute, spooning cuddling. More like sardine cuddling. Not a good time, y'all. Adam always tells me that he is gonna buy me a new couch. Poor guy can hardly fit on it...his feet hang off the side.
All that brings me to this...I want a new couch. My logic is this: if I have a cute, comfy, inspirational looking couch (is that even a thing?) I will be more productive when I sit on it. It won't suck me in like the black hole. It all makes sense in my head, people. Kind of like these pretties:
Here's to growing up and saving up to buy a new couch...party on.
I can't believe I just wrote a whole post about my couch. I need to get out more.