
Get Creative!

Last week's Smell the Roses task was to do something that gets your creative juices flowing.
Well I pretty much dropped the ball on taking pictures of what I did. BUT I did do something that I've never done before and that most definitely got me in a creative mindset.

I went thrifting AND antiquing with Sara. She took me to a cute little shop in Lakeland called Pumpernacks that I fell in love with :)

I bought a a vintage Coach cross body bag for...wait for it...$16! YES! I'm not going to show you any pictures, because I plan on doing an outfit post wearing it in the future :) But I fell in love with this black globe; I've never seen one like it before! 

I really enjoyed looking at all of the vintage knick knacks. We went to a few thrift stores, too. I wasn't so much into the clothes, but Sara found a lot of cute pieces! I also could've spent 3 hours looking at all of the books...hardback books for $1.50?! I don't think I'll ever be able to spend $20+ on a book again. Just saying!

After we did some shopping and grabbed lunch we went to Starbucks and talked about blogging for like 3 straight hours. I'm not even exaggerating. It's so nice to have someone to meet up with and bounce ideas off of! If that doesn't get your creative juices flowing, I don't know what will.

It was a Saturday well spent :) I can't wait until our next girls' day!
And since this post is lacking in pictures, here are a few randoms from my weekend:

On Friday night I got sushi with some of my favorite people on the planet :) My boyfriend, Adam, one of my best friends, Danielle, and my [basically] big brother, Cole. SO MUCH SUSHI and we ate it all...oops! I swear I could eat sushi every single day for the rest of my life.  

In case you weren't aware, there is a tropical storm currently taking over the state of Florida. So after church on Sunday, Adam & I went back to my apartment and got cozy with some drinks (gin & tonic for Adam and coffee with mint chocolate Baileys for me!) and a movie. It was so relaxing to leave the sliding glass door open and listen to the rain fall on the lake while watching This Means War. I don't mind the rain when it means time to cuddle with my love! ...end cheesiness ;)

Did you do anything to get your creative juices flowing last week? Link up!

This week's task:
Take someone to dinner that you need to catch up with.

One of my friends, Keisha, actually came up with this task :) I actually want to open the floor up to you guys. If you have any Smell the Roses task ideas send me an email and let me know!


  1. Love that globe, and the sushi looks amazing! Can't wait to see the bag!


  2. My obsession with vintage/thrift store is slightly obscene. When Reese messes up he always says "I owe you an antique day". Its kinda out of control and I kinda love it!

    Cant wait to see your Coach bag pics!!!!!!! #SCORE!

    Your sushi date looks like SO MUCH FUN. I cant wait until we get to have a sushi date... because obvi that is something we would do.

    I know that it was "the wettest day on record in Tampa" (im currently watching the news), but I am glad it meant drinks and a movie for you and your love!!

    OK novel over. LOVE LOVE LOVE ya!!!

    Happy Monday!

  3. Sounds like such a fun weekend! Can't wait to see your new bag :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  4. I think you just might love sushi as much as me! I can't get enough either. And your rainy day...I actually am hoping for a rainy day here soon so I can do just that. Glad you had a fantastic weekend! :)

  5. I can't wait to see the bag you bought. I love cross-body bags! And that's so great that you have a blogger friend to hang out with!

    And hearing rain fall while watching a movie at home sounds so nice right now! Okay, it's not even 9:00am, and I'm ready to leave work already. ;-)

  6. i love your globe!
    i watched This Means War this weekend too!

  7. Hey girl!
    Love love love thrift store shopping, I always find the best stuff!
    And when does sushi not look amazing?!?
    Have a great week!


  8. I love the black globe--that would look so awesome in a living room or an office.

    And...I'm loving that shot of the rainy window with the table and chairs. So cozy.

  9. When you mentioned "leaving the sliding glass door open and listening to the rain fall on the lake," I got the warmest, fuzziest feeling... I think it took me back to being a kid in Phoenix and hanging out on my front porch during a hot summer monsoon storm. There was no lake, but warm rain is absolutely on my top 10 list of favorite things. :)

    Kayla ☆ http://www.kaylanaut.com

  10. Looks like fun. What'd you think of This Means War?

  11. What a wonderful project, stopping to smell the roses! Just stumbled upon your blog today but I look forward to taking part in future tasks (and trying some old ones!)

    Pink Chai Style

  12. AH, I so badly want that globe!

    I need blogg-y friends in real life to bounce ideas off of. Everyone lives so far away!!

  13. I love going to antique/thrift shops!! I never have any luck with clothes either but it's still fun to look :)

  14. Thanks for the compliment, girly! I can't lie -- I definitely drew inspiration for my navigation bar from your buttons.

    Antiquing is too fun & I can't wait to see your bag!

  15. I totally feel you on the thrift store books. There is one I go to where you can get 4 books for $1.50! And you can even find new books there every once in a while.

    I could eat sushi everyday too. Your pictures make me want some right now.


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