
Week Without Words...filled with food, movies, & friends

Lots of fun mail this week 
(but I'll admit I wasn't too pleased with my Birchbox this month)
Adam surprised me and pre-ordered me a copy of Breaking Dawn part 1. 
So glad that he's embraced my inner nerd ;)
New Elisabeth Ashlie jewelry.
New school bag - yes, it's burlap...loveee.

I guess this is all the new rage. Planking is so yesterday right Meg?
God's way of telling me to stop being full of road rage.
The Bux. I was sad they didn't have any cute heart cups, though!
Friday night garage hangs with the guys.

I cannot wait to go see this! When this post goes live, 
I'll be sitting in the theatre...most likely sobbing. Don't judge me.
Cracker Barrel grubbin. If you don't know what a 
Cracker Barrel is, I pity your soul ;)
Curt & Adam - looking like hoodlums.
She is getting so big! I need to lay off giving her
treats every time I leave the apartment.

Spaghetti made by yours truly.
Home-cooked meal with Adam at grandma's house.
This is currently my favorite snack.
Cheese, cracker, apples, peanut butter, and cool whip.
All healthy versions of course!
Made my own iced coffee. Starbucks...you besta back up!

This week my goal is to actually put in effort when I'm taking pictures.
To think outside the box.
To try out creative angles and lighting and all of that fun stuff.
Because to be honest, I usually just point and click and what you get is what you get.

Also - there's still time for you to do the Smell the Roses task so you can link up with me tomorrow.
I cannot wait :)


  1. love this! especially number three :)

  2. Haven't got my birchbox yet this month.... Oh, I don't like disappointment. :)

  3. Looks like you had a great week- and even I know what a Cracker Barrel is- just sayin'! Enjoy your sunday! Hope you like The Vow!

  4. Wow what a week you had!!!
    I wanted to join birch box but I heard they aren't taking any new people. Boo
    I still haven't seen breaking dawn!! My hubby hates the series so I didn't want to go alone lol I will prob just buy it since I have e other 3
    Yummy food!!! So you dip the apples in whip cream?
    We've had a tassimo for a year now and we save much money instead of sbux. Besides, the one in our town is kinda dumb...they mess up on drinks all the time. :-/

    Ok this post is long enough hah oh! Stop by my giveaway!! Good chance you'll win because I made the mistake of posting on a sat when no one is on lol

    Happy weekend!

  5. Uh oh...that means I'm probably not going to be too happy with my Birchbox either. I keep thinking I need to cancel that, as I'm not that into cosmetics anyways. I think I signed up just because I love snail mail haha.

  6. So maybe I am just too new around here... but what exactly is Birchbox? (I will be googling immediately following this comment!)

    And I LOVE the cat in the toast! :) xoxo

  7. I'm going to see the vow today!!!

    & I"m sad to hear your birchbox wasn't great :( I need to go outside and see if mine has arrived!

    & LOVEEEEE Cracker Barrel! :)

  8. Oh gosh, if someone doesn't know what Cracker Barrel is.. oh my!! Dumplins, with extra dumplins please! Ha ha! So jealous that your bf pre-ordered you Breaking Dawn. It's one of my must-haves. & that burlap bag is so cute! Happy Sunday :)

  9. omg absolutely love love love the burlap!!!! SOOO cute! love when we get new school supplies... makes you wanna go to school for a change right?!

    and your picture of Friday night hangin with the guys.... cuteness!! glad to know i'm not the only one who hangs with the fellas in their garage from time to time :)

  10. fab!!!^^
    i love your new jewellery ;)


  11. Ah, I hate you were disappointed with your Birchbox this month. I hope mine isn't too bad :(

    Love the pictures, but my favorite I have to admit is the last photo and your caption "you besta back up" hahah


  12. i need to get in on this birchbox thing.

    and love #5

  13. haha this is a fantastic post! love the bag and the kitty sandwich. i adore you!

  14. I was disappointed in my birchbox this month too! What am I going to do with those lip tattoos?? There are 3 in there, and Halloween only happens 1 time every year!!!

    Oh well! On another note, I tagged you in a post today....so, TAG!! You're it. =-)


    - Shea

  15. SO
    1. I JUST got to a computer today… blogger NIGHTMARE
    2. Boots is so rad. cutting edge really.
    3. Birchbox, mail, and cracker barrel. so great.


  16. Love all of your pictures!! Can't wait to get my birchbox!! If you weren't pleased then I'm curious to see what we get.

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  17. Hello there! Just wanted to say I'm your newest follower and love your blog. Cannot wait to continue reading! :)

  18. I got the hearts cup at Sbux today and I was so excited! I even used it in a special way for V-day. I'll post pics!

    Melissa from Grin and Barrett Blog


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