
High Five for Friday!

It's that time again, lovelies - High Five for Friday!
As usual, I'm linking up with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk to post my top 5 favorite things of the week! Go link up :)

So let's get to it:

1. I am at 100 followers as I write this post. WOW. So blown away at how many encouraging/fantastic women that I have met through blogging. You guys make my heart smile! Preparing for my first giveaway to celebrate :)

2. My Coach "skinny mini" makes toting my ID & stuff around school so much easier. Yay for not lugging a purse around with my school bag. Plus it makes my keys look all fancy ;)

3. I found out that in 4/5 of my classes, there are NO tests. Hallelujah. I am a horrid test taker!

4. I branched out and wore oxfords for the first time this week! I honestly don't know what took me so long to hop on this fashion trend.

5. I get to work mostly from home this semester! I only have to go in the office Monday & Friday afternoons. Oh, the perks of working for family :)

Happy Friday, friends!
I hope it's a good one!


  1. Awesome job on the 100 followers! Definitely deserved :)

  2. Def. High Five for no tests! I love those shoes, and have yet to own a pair!

  3. Congrats on the 100 followers!!!!!

  4. I love your week. And your face♥

  5. Congrats on 100 followers! Aren't Coach Mini Skinnys the best?! I use them for everything. Happy Friday :)

  6. 100 followers! Wahoo! Congratulations, J! I'm currently blogstorming for my new blog that I'll be launching soon. I hope you'll check it out when I do!

  7. Congrats on making it to 100!!
    I LOVED my Coach mini skinny. Seriously, a college must have! Especially when my student ID was my room key...

  8. YES! High five for Friday!! It as been a long week!! Thanks for your comment about the Clarisonic. It's gotten so much attention but we are scared to spend the money one it because I bet it will end up in the same place yours is sitting...under a counter. :-)
    Congrats on 100 followers! That is a huge deal!!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  9. Congratulations on making it to 100 followers! I think I'll just have to add my name to that list:)

    I found your blog through #FF over at Hollie Takes Notes, and I'm so so glad I did:)


  10. YAY for so many followers! I like the coach coin purse that you chose, and I'm impressed with you trying out the oxfords. I don't think I'll ever be bold enough to try those out! Happy Friday!

  11. 100! Yay! Way to go girl :) Love your blog...and so do many others! Yeah..no tests is the best! Love those oxfords!!

  12. YAY- 100 followers! Congrats, I have to confess I have been addicted to reading your stuff. I found you over at From My Grey Desk!

    Can't wait to make you a daily read :)


  13. congrats on 100 followers - and congrats on ALready being at 111 (i claim the fame of 111 :P ) ...just found your blog from hollies link up and love it :)
    id love for you to follow me back!

  14. Oh girl. Work those shoes.!!

    Whoopp whooooppppp for 100 followers !

    And I totally agree with the "we will have to meet in person" comment from a couple posts ago. I just love that were friends. Gosh blogs rock.

    Happy Friday!!!

  15. caaUTE blog! And um, I want some oxfords now too. You sold me.

  16. Love love love the Coach skinny mini! Adorable. Great blog by the way. I'm using you for a bit of inspiration for what I can do on my blog :)

    Have a GREAT weekend!!

  17. How awesome that you can work from home most of the time! I bet you'll get sooo much done. Either that or totally lose track of time being sucked into blog world, ha! :-) Congrats on the followers, and have a good weekend!

  18. Um, you've totally made me an Oxfords fan. I want a pair stat! Congratulations on hitting 100 followers! And seriously high five for having no tests in 4/5 classes! That's such great news.

    I am loving your blog - newest follower right here!



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