
Eyebrow Flossing?

We made it through Monday...yay! This week is already better than last week, thanks to my schedule making skills ;) If you didn't link up for Smell the Roses yesterday, you still have time...there are a lot of great blogs that have linked up already!

Moving on! For today's Product Spotlight I decided to do something a little different.
Nothing crazy, I'm just spotlighting a service rather than a product. 
Have you heard of eyebrow threading? It's pretty big right now, and at first I was super sketched out by it.
But let me just tell you, it has changed my life.
(Okay, no it hasn't...but it has made my eyebrows super pretty so that's gotta count for something, right?)

I never really paid much attention to getting my eyebrows done until a few years ago. I didn't realize how BIG of a difference it made on my face! So I went ahead and got them waxed every time I got my hair done. Then one day my best friend and I were at the mall, and she said she needed to stop and get her eyebrows threaded...say what?  I watched her get hers done, and the first thing that came to my mind was, "Are they flossing her eyebrows?!" Thankfully I didn't say that out loud.

I wasn't about to let some little lady come near my eye with a sharp string. No way, no how. Especially after hearing that it was kinda painful. But after I saw Britt's eyebrows, I was sold. They looked incredible - like someone photoshopped them on her face! Seriously. So I sat down, took a deep breath, and braced myself for pain in order to get beautiful eyebrows. And so it began. I waited & waited for the pain, and yes, it was a bit uncomfortable, but no where near unbearable. And it only took about 3 minutes! 

I paid $10 (plus a $2 tip) and they looked SO much better than when I had them waxed in the past. They were so much more defined. And get this - they lasted longer than when I had them waxed, too! When I was getting my eyebrows waxed, I had to get them done every 4 weeks, but with threading, I only have to get them done about every 6 or 7 weeks. I have to touch them up with tweezers a few times before I go back in, but it's totally worth it. 

I highly suggest giving eyebrow threading a try! In honor of this post, I'm going to get mine done after class today. I'll be thinking about all of you ;) Have you ever tried eyebrow threading? What do you think about it?


  1. I've thought about this before, maybe I'll give it a try!

  2. Agh! Sounds painful! I've never even gotten mine waxed. Tweezers are my best friend...

  3. Eeeeek! :) I cannot even pluck mine...I HAVE to have them waxed! It's the quickest way to do it!

  4. Thank you for explaining this! I have always been kind of curious but it does sound kind of crazy to as you said "floss" your eyebrows. I think this post has given me the push to try this out!

  5. I have sensitive skin, and LOVE threading. Waxing my brows always made me break out, but I've never had a problem with threading since it doesn't rip off my skin in the process. I think it's a little more painful than waxing, but totally worth it!!

  6. I love getting mine threaded instead of waxed! People think I'm crazy when I say it hurts less than waxing but I think they are the crazy ones!!

    Yay blog posting over paper writing ...


  7. They have a store in our mall that does this and I have always wondered about it. Thanks for sharing!! I will have to try it now :)

  8. I had a waxing disaster a few months ago (I'm talking chunks of my eyebrow missing!) and haven't had the courage to get them done again. Needless to say, they are out of control! I will have to look into this method!

  9. Thanks for posting this! I've seen them doing it at the mall, but I've been too scared to try it! Now I think I will :)

  10. I have never heard of this. Not sure of a place that would do this where I live. Interesting though, just wish I could do it myself at home, lol ;)

  11. Okay, I literally got my first Birchbox on Thursday and ordered... Megan by Zoya!! I have it on and just saw its your color this week!! How ironic.

    P.S. I look like a caveman with my eyebrows right now; deff will be trying threading!


  12. I have always wondered how they do that! I've been skeptical about trying it....maybe someday though!

    Jamie @ JustStuffForFun

  13. Eyebrow Threading for life! I got my brows waxed for the first time when I was in cosmetology school 5 years ago and I had a terrible reaction. I found out about threading and fell in love! It doesnt feel great but the outcome is wonderful! Glad you love it too!(:

    Leigh Anne

  14. I've seen this being done at a little kiosk at the mall, and always kind of wondered about it but I've never been brave enough to give it a try. I've never done anything with my eyebrows and I'm not sure that I want to get started on it. Plus, it weirds me out to get my eyebrows done in the middle of the mall with everyone just walking by, haha. Maybe I should give it a try though?

  15. I had my eyebrows threaded once and I liked it. It lasted awhile. I think the girl could have shaped them more, but not bad for my first time. And I've never waxed my brows.

  16. I must find a salon in Boise that does this! It looks awesome!

  17. The best way to represent on any topic via blog post and thanks for post on beauty tips.
    Eyebrow one of the crucial thing in the face and for this we always consult professional because minute mistake will spoil your beauty.
    Eyebrow Threading

  18. welding & fabrication of steel/iron pipes. Consequently, we are widely appreciated by our clients, based all over India. threading services calgary


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