For those of you who don't know, I work part-time at a special needs school. Aka a playground for germs. And it's flu season. And I refuse to get sick (BECAUSE WE ARE CLOSING ON OUR NEW HOUSE ON FRIDAY - WHAT?!).
I've recently started using essential oils to help with my sleep so I figured why not make a blend that I can use to help ward off any flu-like germs?
Here's what I mixed to make this little roller:
- 7 drops of peppermint oil
- 7 drops of frankincense oil
- 7 drops of lemon oil
- 7 drops of thieves oil
- Fill the rest of the roller with FRACTIONED coconut oil (I get this off of Amazon)
I mostly use the brand Young Living for my essential oil needs. Keep in mind that this is a small roller so if you use a big one I would double the "recipe." Oh and I used my Silhouette Cameo to make the "ANTI FUNK" sticker!
I have been rolling this on my feet at night and on my wrists in the mornings. NO FLU ALLOWED HERE!
Do you use essential oils? What is your favorite immunity blend?
xo, Jess
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