
I Don't Have A Heart

Because it melted. I have absolutely nothing to post about other than the fact that Luke Bryan won Entertainer of the Year last night on the ACMs. I don't think y'all know how excited I am about this. See for yourself...

My daily votes were totally worth it ;) I'm obsessed. And I'm totally okay with admitting that. And the fact that my Daddy (he is not a country fan in the least) texted me...made the moment even sweeter!

That's all I got y'all. WHO ELSE IS BURSTING WITH JOY THAT LUKE WON? And his humble speech seriously had me in tears. #TeamLuke

If you haven't heard his new single, "Crash My Party" you're missing out. Go buy it on iTunes. Right this minute!

Yes, I'm very aware that I am the ultimate fan girl ;)



  1. Freaking love that man!!!!!!! He totally deserved it! <3 Oh and totally digging his new single!!

  2. You are so cute - love that photo of you! And love Luke too of course..is it weird I thought of you when he won, haha :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  3. you are too funny! hope you have a good monday!

  4. it was soo sweet that he got so choked up when he won! love him!!

  5. You crack me up!!!
    (again I remind you: Who would have thought the big hoop baby phat girl would be this in love with a country star!)

    I HAVE to watch the recap!!! EEEEEEE

    love you, and luke and the new single!

  6. He can crash my party anytime!

  7. Very proud of my hometown guy! It makes me smile big when I see fans (like you) who love him as much as I do. I was a groupie when the cover was $5 to hear him play. :) If you stalk my Facebook page, you'll see a younger, equally handsome Luke with me and my friends. BIG Fans over here!

  8. Luke sooo deserved it! You really are the ultimate fan haha love the picture of you and Luke on the tv!

  9. I'm so glad that someone else freaked as much as I did when Luke won! he is such a sweetheart.. yaaayyyy LUKE!!!! :)

  10. Super pumped that Luke won! He definitely deserved it!

    And pretty sure I was fangirling just the same whenever Miranda Lambert won :)

  11. First I laughed out loud when I saw Meg's comment. She's right ya know! :)

    But I'm glad to see you're lover man won the big award! How you feel about Luke is how I feel about Leo (Dicaprio, obviously), so you can bet your ass (yes I said ass) I will do the exact same thing when he finally wins the Oscar that he has deserved to win every year since Titanic.

    Love ya! :)

  12. This is such a CLASSIC shot!! I saw this when you posted it and thought... OF COURSE THAT BE HER REACTION!! Ride or die fan, through thick and thin! You MUST meet him in life sooner than later!

    And the text between you and your pops... LOVE. I love how he uses smileys! Get it DAD!!!

  13. LOLLLLL love that first picture. You are too stinkin cute! Haha

  14. His speech was the BEST! I loved it & he was pretty hilarious hosting with Blake.


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