"Hey there! I'm Casey and I blog over at My Semi Grownup Life. I'm twice-newly married (to the same guy both times, don't worry!), and I'm in the process of figuring out just what being a "grown up" is all about. So far all I've been able to discern is that it involves a lot of vacuuming. I'm a bartender by night and a musician/crappy homemaker by day, so my life is pretty full. Did I mention that my musicianship involves being in a bagpipe band? #nerdalert But hey, whatever makes you happy, right? Right. So stop on by sometimes, but prepare yourself for lots of cute pictures of my dog and stories about how I burned dinner. Cheers!"
And Casey is so awesome that she wanted to give one of you lucky ladies a $20 gift card. Everyone say, "Thank you, Casey!" Use the Rafflecopter giveaway link below to enter. Good luck, y'all
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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I love reading your encouraging words :)
Seriously...every comment makes my day a little brighter!
SO THANK YOU for being wonderful!
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