
So Fresh & So Clean, Clean...

If you sang the Outkast song as you read my post title, I freaking love you ;) Just saying.
Moving right along.

I've had a few requests for my skin care routine. I was taken aback by this because honestly, I don't have the best skin ever. I would consider it to be mildly acne prone and definitely combination (oily in some ares and dry in others).

However, in recent months I have completely revamped my skin care routine and I have seen drastic improvements. So if you have problem skin and are looking for some sort of solution, I would suggest all of the following products :)

Let me preface this by telling you that I used to be very lax about washing my face.
Now a days I wash it twice a day, religiously.
Most people wash their face in the morning and at night. I'm a little weird and I wash mine at night before bed and after my workout...whenever that may be (morning or afternoon). But I don't wash it when I wake up.

Washing my face before bed has made a HUGE difference. Huge. I know that some nights you're just beat and all you want to do is collapse on your bed. DON'T DO IT. It's not worth waking up to a huge mountain on your forehead. Promise. Wash your face first.

Let me break them down for you!

Step one is my bareMinerals Purifying Facial Cleanser. It's $20 for a 6 ounce bottle. I use this in the shower after my workouts and massage 2 pumps all over my face using my hands and then rinse. At night, I'm usually taking my make up off, so I use 3 pumps and massage it all over my face and then go over it with my Olay ProX Advanced Cleansing facial brush (basically a cheap version of a Clarisonic). It cost me like $30 at Target...totally worth it!  Then rinse.

Step two is my Avalon Organics Vitamin C Renewal Facial Serum. It's $26 for a 1 ounce bottle. I recently added this stuff to my skin care regime and so far I'm loving it. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight aging and wrinkles. I'm only 22, but we only get 1 face and I plan on keeping mine as young looking as possible for as long as possible! Just saying. I use 1 pump of this all over my face after using my cleanser. I concentrate around my eyes and mouth when I'm applying it.

Step three is my bareMinerals Purely Nourishing Moisturizer for Combination Skin. It's $28 for a 1.7 ounce bottle. I use 2-ish pumps all over my face after the serum from step 2 dries. I like this moisturizer, because it doesn't leave my skin feeling/looking oily. I've tried to use moisturizers with SPF in them, but unfortunately my skin doesn't react too well to those. But my powder has SPF 15 on it and my skin is happy with that :)

Step 4 is my bareMinerals Firming Eye Treatment. It's $28 for 0.5 ounce tube. I never would've thought to buy this, but the lady at the Bare Escentuals store suggested that 22 was a good age to start using eye cream (who knows, maybe she was just trying to make a sale...she did, haha!). She said that my eyelids were "dry" and that this would help that issue while fighting wrinkles. I use a small dot of this for each eye area. I start under my eyebrow and massage it down under my eye as well. So all around my eye & on my lids. And I know this is weird, but the lady at the store told me to use my ring finger when I apply this. So I do!

And there you have it!
Since I've been using these products and since I've switched to using Bare Minerals make up, I've noticed major differences in my skin and complexion...for the better! And I'm not the only one who's noticed, a lot of my friends & family have made comments as well :)

Enjoy your day, lovelies!


  1. I'm always looking for new skincare...thanks for the tips honey! Kori xoxo


  2. Ugh I need to cave and buy a clarisonic or something similar... im just cheep!!!

    I also need to start using a eye cream...

    I also feel that the face i just admitted that I needed to use eye cream makes me cringe in fear that an embroidered jean jumper is going to make its way into my closet...

    but really I was interested to see what you did because from how you have talked before it sounds like we have similar skin!


  3. you are awesome girl! this is really helpful for me, actually, because i've been looking into the bare minerals skincare products and wondered what they are like. and i think you DO have beautiful, glowing skin! :)

    love to you sister and hope your week is a happy and fabulous one! xo

  4. I have also heard the "use the ring or pinky finger" to apply moisturizer or concealer bc those fingers are less dominant and won't produce MORE wrinkles or begin or loosen skin around the eye.. And I'm with you on washing the face before bed. I crashed the other night and woke up feeling disgusting.. Lucky for me, no breakouts, but still felt gross.

  5. Uh, LOVE the Outkast reference :) And it's always nice to know what other people do for their skin...I've yet to find a good regimen!

    The Other Side of Gray

  6. I started using the Olay ProX and LOVE it! At first my skin broke out more than normal, but I stayed the course and now things seem to be so much better. Do you use the facial brush every time you wash each day?

  7. Great tips! I don't wash my face in the morning either. I think I used to overwash, because once I started only washing at night and after a workout, my skin improved a lot!

  8. love this one. i try to be regular with a treatment, but i'm horribly inconsistant. when i do tho, i use my norwex rag to wipe everything off and then use timewise from mary kay. that's for these other products. i've been thinking about using bare minerals also.

  9. May have to try these out. I'm more of a facial cleanser wipe person. I buy Olay Regenerist Facial wipes to clean my face with. Love them!

  10. You are smart to wash before bed and after workouts. I need to be better about that! Thanks for the product review.

  11. Ok you have convinced me that I need to wash my face before bed every night. That's my issue. Lol
    I am starting to use eye cream too from posh! I love it, pure vit e is great to use to keep wrinkles away. :-)
    I use the Olay spin brush thingy too. How often do you replace the brush head?
    I haven't been in blog land much, hugs!

  12. this is oh so helpful! and i totally sang the song as i read your title :)

  13. i need to step up my skin routine! : )

  14. Thanks for sharing this! I was considering switching over to Bare Minerals, because I'm trying SUPER and while it's working well in some areas, it's not jiving so well in others. This has definitely helped sway my decision in favor of making the switch. :)

    Kayla ☆ http://www.kaylanaut.com

  15. Thanks for sharing and stressing the importance of washing our face before bed. I'm laying here in bed now going through blogs and I haven't washed my face yet! lol! So, guess what I'm doing after this comment?

    I personally use Mary Kay products. I've used them since I was younger and my sister is now a MK consultant so it works out :) You do have me curious to use Bare Essentials though. Thanks for the info!

  16. We have not tried the Bare Minerals skincare line yet but maybe we need too!! I wash my face at night but not again in the morning.

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  17. I LOVE the eye treatment. I've had one of those deluxe sample of it and keep meaning to get it.


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