
Smell the Roses - Say What?!

Another week come & gone!
Crazy isn't it? Today is all about Smell the Roses...don't know what it is?
Read up on it :)
Last week's task was to write down 3 inspirational quotes and post them in places where you'll see them throughout the week. I am quote junkie so it was really hard for me to choose just 3!

This one says, "Stop waiting for things to happen - go out and make them happen!"
It's posted right on my front door so that I see it every time I leave the apartment.
It reminds me that even if some things seem pointless (like going to class...ahem)
that I have to do them so that I can reach my end goals. Make stuff happen!

This one is posted on my bathroom mirror and says, "If you want something that you've never had, then you've got to do something that you've never done."
I tend to get caught up in the redundancy of every day. I think it's because I don't see my 
friends and family as much as I'd like to since I live a little ways away. This quote reminds me
not to be trapped in my little bubble - if I want something to be different then I need to 
spread my wings and try new things.

And the last one I posted is on the rearview mirror of my car (probably not the safest idea haha), and it says, "Hold nothing back. Let the world see you shine." Honestly, for some reason this note reminded me to keep my road rage under control. I don't know what the deal is, but I have some REALLY wicked road rage - who knew right? 

I really liked seeing these little reminders throughout the week and I think that I'm just gonna leave them up. Maybe I'll change out the quotes every once in awhile to spice things up ;)

Did you write down some inspirational quotes last week?! Grab a button and link up - I can't wait to read them and maybe even add some new quotes to my quote collection (oh, yes...I have one of those).


This week's task:
Clean out your closet and donate what you don't use anymore.

In honor of it being April, I'm dedicating this week's task to a spring cleaning of sorts. 
I don't know about you, but my closet is overflowing with stuff that I don't use/wear anymore.

Instead of leaving the stuff to no use, why don't we help someone out who doesn't have as much as we do? It's an easy way to bless someone :) I'm planning on taking a picture of my closet before, the pile of stuff that I'm donating (because there will be a pile!), my closet after, and maybe even one of me bringing the donations wherever I decide to take them.  

Side note: 26 days left of classes!


  1. This is so neat. I know you've been doing this project for a while, but this is the first I have commented on it. Great and inspirational idea. I think I just may have to link up with the closet clean out. With our move at the end of the month this will be a beneficial task.

  2. review mirror inspirational post it to help with your road rage!! LOVE THIS!! I need more than a post it note to help my road rage :/

    This is an awesome task you had for the week!! it's the little things that count, especially to remind us all about those little things with your lovely lil' post-its :)

    Happy (almost) Monday frannnd!

  3. There all great :) I need to get me some quotes x

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Well done girl! I love all your quotes and where you have them placed. I have certain affirmations that I really like, and I've always thought about putting them on the bathroom mirror and rotating them weekly. But I've never actually done it. Someday soon :)

  6. Loving these quotes - definitely inspirational :) Hope you had an awesome weekend!

    The Other Side of Gray

  7. I might add that first one to my list of quotes I nee to read! Such a good reminder!

    Ummm HOLLA on the second one. I totally get the getting trapped in the bubble thing!!

    AS ALWAYS great great great task!!! love it, love you

    #catpeople :)

  8. This is such a great idea! I love leaving myself little notes everywhere!

  9. Dude!! We have the same car lol Honda civic?

    Love this post it idea. But I completely forgot!!!! But I already got this weeks challenge halfway done! ;-)

    P.s. did you find out about may 1-6?

  10. I love this week's new task! I was just telling the hubs that I needed to do this so that I could bring out my spring/summer clothes and get rid of other things.

    Since we moved I still have a lot boxes laying around the closet, so I'll try and go through them too.

    Thanks for the fun tasks, love it!

    Enjoy your Monday :)

  11. I love this idea! I need to try it for myself hehe.
    Aw, thanks for putting my button on your blog love page! If you ever wanna swap ad spece, let me know ;)



  12. Love your second quote!! & the nail polish :) Love the new task!

  13. You have wicked road rage, because we're blog related. D-U-H. ;-)

    Love you, dear!

  14. Totally doing this task! I need to! And I also think that it's time for me to clean out more. I also want to add some more motivational/happy quotes around the house. Happy Monday, Jess!

  15. I'm new to your blog and love how inspirational it is! Reading it just makes me smile!

    I only cleaned out my warbrobe (closet) last week.. Maybe this week I will do my sons! x

  16. love this. love you.

    side note. I have quote collection too. No shame.


  17. I liked this weeks task! I'm with you, I just might keep my quotes up and change them out periodically!

    I really like the last quote :)

    Have a great week girl!

    <3 Jamie

  18. I have already gotten a couple of bags ready to go to Goodwill! It's a great feeling to rid yourself of those things and it feels good to pass them along to someone that might want or need what you gave.

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  19. Great quotes and I love your nail polish!!!!! I almost got my nails done that color this weekend, but I opted for a few shades darker and I'm not really loving it. I'll prob go back and get that color sometime this week. I need cute nails for Easter!!!!

    In loving the challenge this week...I've been needing to clean out my closet and donating clothes is on my 101 in 1001! Yah!

    Happy Monday!

  20. i love this! its such a positive way to start your day, afternoon, night, whenever :). new follower, sweetie! check out my blog today for a great giveaway!

  21. Hi Jessica. I found your blog through Meg's Sweetly Complicated blog. Love the Smell Roses series! Great reminders to slow down. love it!

  22. these are great quotes! i love the one on your door :)

    its finals week and i'm moving back home for the spring so i'm definitely donating some clothes :)

    andrea brionne

  23. Haha, I have "Keep calm and carry on" posted to my desk at work. There are days I really need to see that :) And surprisingly, it really does help me take a breath and keep going.


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