
Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie!

Happy, happy Friday :)

Today I'm skipping out on High Five for Friday
in order to fulfill a request made by you wonderful people!

 I got a lot of questions about the
peanut butter banana smoothie recipe that I talked about in my food journal post.
I did a post on the recipe back when I just started this little blog,
but I've altered the way that I make it since then.

So here is the new & improved peanut butter banana smoothie!

What you'll need:

// Blender 
// 2 tablespoons of peanut butter 
(I use Peter Pan Whipped Creamy)
// 1 frozen banana 
(I cut and freeze a bunch of bananas every week so I can just grab a bag and go)
// 1/2 teaspoon of honey
(I use imitation honey...sugar free!)
// 3/4-1 cup of milk...the more milk, the thinner the consistency of the smoothie
(I use Silk Pure Almond Unsweetened Vanilla)

What you'll do:

You guessed it...toss all of the ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth!
I like to top mine with a teaspoon of fat free or lite cool whip :)

What you'll end up with:

Delicious! This is seriously one of my favorite on the go breakfast or pre-workout drinks.
It's loaded with protein and keeps me full for a good 3 hours. It's also great because when I use it as a pre-workout drink, it gives me energy to power through my workout. 

And you wanna know a secret? Sometimes I even drink it when I just want a little treat. 
It's THAT good.

Enjoy :)

And don't forget to enter my giveaway!



  1. Am I weird that I got excited and crit totally include when I saw the Silk unsweetened almond milk? I use it for almost everything! Well, unless a recipe needs milk, or actually tastes better with soy ... I love seeing smoothies pop up on my reader, and this is a great one! Never thought about adding honey for some reason. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Now that I have all the ingredients off my LLTB grocery list, I'm going to try this tomorrow for my pre-workout shake! No joke. :-)

  3. Oh yummy! I love peanut butter :)

    Have a great weekend!!

  4. yum! I think my hubs would love this too :)

  5. So excited to try this! Great idea about freezing your bananas, I had never thought of that. Thanks Jessica!!!

  6. Yay thanks again for posting! I love smoothies and this looks soo good! Have a good weekend :)

  7. Glad you posted this! :) I was hoping you would! Can't wait to try it sometime!

  8. Oh hay, girl! haha

    I'm surprised I haven't stumbled upon your blog already! The layout is very cute and your posts really cheer me up. And this smoothie sounds delicious - I'll have to try it soon!


  9. scrum scrum scrummy!! I have ALL of these in my kitchen, so looks like I'll be indulging in your recipe today for breakfast!! Thanks for sharing girlie!

    Happy Friday :)

  10. Matt and I read this together and plan to make some of these tonight!! Yummo girl!! :)

  11. Fun! Matt and I had peanut butter smoothies that I found on Pinterest. Sooooo good! Honey would be a great addition!

  12. Looks amazing! I may just have to try this myself :)

    <3 Jamie

  13. I can't wait to go grocery shopping this weekend! Those words hardly ever come out of my mouth, but I'm that excited to try this smoothie. I am in desperate need of some more protein in my diet and this sounds perfect!!!

    I'm so glad I met you...well I guess I haven't technically met you, but you know what I mean.

    Happy Friday!

  14. thanks for sharing this - i think i will be making it this weekend! : )

  15. Awesome! I was totally going to ask if you could post this recipe. Thanks so much for sharing it! I am going to give this a try tomorrow!

  16. This is my favorite smoothie! I love it! Yum

  17. Fun blog girl! This smoothie looks amazing. I think I am for sure going to try it! :)

  18. I know it's not as healthy as your but my all time favorite is peanut butter banana milkshakes. I thought I was the only one! Everyone always looked at me funny when I ordered them! Glad I'm not alone!!


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